Tory voters - have you gone off them?

I always get mixed up between the Reform party and the part that dreary big headed right wing twonk Lawrence Fox is leader of.

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I think that we should avoid “cutting off our noses to spite our faces” in this situation.

By letting Laboour in, as our remedy for the Tory screw ups, is a bit like that.

Personally, I think the Labour Party have even less capabnility than the Toiries. I reckon we should get a bit more like our Friends in France. By that, I mean that we should take to the streets in order to let the Tories know that they need to improve, pronto, such that they do put in place a sensible clean up.

I’m not holding my breath!


The Tory party revolves around self-interest and serving the chumocracy so they have no integrity or principles they wouldn’t flog off for a couple of quid

So the only way you could get them to shape up is with a threat of losing the power to serve that self interest, in other words, getting kicked out office

Of course they will promise the earth, reform and to be pure as the driven snow if you protest, take to the streets etc.

But be gullible enough to put them back in and you’ll just get another 5 years of lies, backhanders and exploiting their position, because that is their nature and raison d’etre.

The only other way you could get them to behave with any decency would be to bribe them to! They like bribes and trousering some dish

But it would cost, the going rate would have to be more than they and their chums rip us off now


I can’t find it in myself to think that the Opposition is any better.


Wouldn’t anyone be better than what this lot have done?

Are you really so disillusioned and cynical that you’d put them in again because, crap as they are, you think we shouldn’t hope for better?

There has to be some penalty for being as dreadful as they are, and I think getting chucked out should be it

At least it shows such behaviour isn’t acceptable in our society and draws a line

It almost doesn’t matter if the next lot are as bad or worse.

Losing the vote would at least make the point that our country and it’s voters still have a little bit of integrity left and make future incumbents more careful about getting caught out

This lot are blatant and putting two fingers up to the peasants

We deserve better and should demand it and also have some hope and faith we can make a difference

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We have to bear in mind that the Labour selection system backed Jeremy, all the way, almost to the door of no 10, last time around!

That won’t not convince me that they aren’t brewing another Jeremy in this run up!

Apparently, the great K Starmer backed Jeremy when others had reservations.


I just don’t who to vote for next time but it won’t be Tory. Their greed
and selfishness has sickened me.


Polling higher than the Lib Dems and Greens put together


Only because of an unfair system, FPTP, photo ID to exclude voters who do not have any, electoral fraud. imo

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If he is true to realistic manifesto pledges and aware that Reform must mean that, then he will get a perfect opportunity to bring a little decency back to Westminster. Con and
Labour parties will never agree to change.

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Seriously? Currently LibDems have 14 MPs and Green Party 1 MP.
Are you saying Tice’s party, whatever its current name is, has more than 15 MPs?:rofl::rofl:

@HelenP People might be prepared to give Reform a chance… Not the same old yes men who just agree to whatever is advantageous to their parties.

Some voters will vote as they always have whatever happens.

No, Helen read my post.

Reform weren’t even a party at the last election, they were the Brexit Party who stood down candidates to allow Johnson a majority. I was referring to polling.

Just remember how did Lib Dem candidates did at the EU Parliamentary elections against the Brexit Party.

We don’t need any party that are more interested in chasing Net Zero, or else in five years time you will have no car, obsolete gas boilers, energy too expensive to use, and be at war with the Russians with no army to defend us.
We need a party that will stop sending money to Ukraine, build some proper power stations, rid the land of windmills, and kick electric vehicles into the long grass because the technology is rubbish and costly.


@OldGreyFox very succinct.

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We’re less than a month away from May’s local elections, where voters in 230 local authorities across England will go to the polls.

Local councils are supposed to represent their communities. But often the make-up of council chambers fail to reflect how people vote with one party states and safe seats distorting our local democracy.

This year, before a vote has been cast, hundreds of council seats are already guaranteed to go to political parties due to a lack of opposition candidates in some wards. Even worse, close to 50 councillors in uncontested seats will be elected without receiving a single vote – denying voters any say in choosing their local representatives.

This must change.

Sign our petition for fair local votes in England →

In Scotland and Northern Ireland, councils use the Single Transferable Vote and the benefits are clear – no more one party states, every ballot counts and the scourge of safe seats is no more.

And with Welsh councils now able to join them, only England remains lagging behind and held back by our broken winner-takes-all system.

That’s why England needs the Single Transferable Vote and these elections must be the last under First Past the Post.

If you agree, sign our petition and join our campaign for fairer votes in English local government.

Best wishes,
Darren Hughes,
Chief Executive,
Electoral Reform Society

P.S: If you have local elections in your area this year and want to show your support for our campaign for fair votes, download our free window poster. If you don’t have a printer, we can put one in the post for you.

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Local councils should match how we vote. They do in Scotland, N. Ireland and in Wales councils can choose a fairer system.

England is being left behind. Add your name to the ERS call.
In just a few days voters across England will be heading to the polls.

We know these elections will be different. New rules on voter ID are going to make it harder for everyone to cast their ballot and mean that some people without ID will see themselves turned away.

For other voters, the chance to vote has already been taken away from them, their elections cancelled, and the winner confirmed without a single vote cast.

For around 90,000 people who live in uncontested seats the result has already been decided. Almost 50 councillors across the country already have their seats confirmed leaving 34 wards without an election on 4 May.
Our broken First Past the Post electoral system means in some areas, safe seat culture means some parties don’t even run candidates meaning one party can hold onto power for decades, sometimes without so much as a challenge.

It’s time we brought this era of rotten boroughs to a close - scrapping the broken First Past the Post and ensuring there is always real competition and choice for voters.

A more proportional system would end the crisis of local ‘one party states’ and open up our politics at last.

Add your name: It’s time for fair votes in English local government

I was never “On” them. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Electoral Reform Society

Yesterday we saw countless examples up and down the country of legitimate voters being denied their vote – locked out of the ballot box by the government’s voter ID policy.

We’re still waiting on the official figures and will never know the full numbers due to the way the data has been recorded but what we do know already is that voter ID has meant potentially thousands of people have been denied their vote.

Many shocked voters got in touch to tell us all about how they were denied their votes and had their democratic rights taken away.

Allison, a Police Officer, said:
“I went to vote on my way home from work. I only had my Police Warrant card. It was refused. They told me to go home and come back with a government issued ID! I didn’t. They lost my vote. If my warrant card can enable me to identify myself in my duty to execute the law for the Crown and government it should’ve been recognised to vote, especially when I read some people can use just a bus pass!”

Debbie, a nurse, was turned away and said:
“They would not accept my NHS ID with my photo on the front. They looked up and said it was not on the list of what they could accept so I walked away and they all just sat there. They didn’t really know what to say.”

Peter, retired, told us:
"I did not have an ID on the list and no time to apply for it. I have a driving licence with no photo which is legal to drive but not acceptable. I showed my council photo ID which is acceptable as an ID in every school but that was not acceptable. I was personally known to three people in the hall administrating the voting who could vouch for who I was but not acceptable.”

The government seems to think Police Warrant cards, Council ID cards and NHS ID cards aren’t secure enough to vote, yet are secure enough to arrest people, access schools and administer drugs in hospitals.

Yesterday showed us the chaos that demanding voter ID can cause and the risks this poses for our democracy. Just imagine what will happen when ID is required for a general election, when millions more voters, from across the whole UK head to the polls.

The government must think again. You can help us reverse this dangerous policy by sharing our petition calling for voter ID to be scrapped.

Electoral Reform Society.

If we do nothing, what next!

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