Tory MP demands probe into Starmer's lockdown beer after Partygate

Boris did that, and wouldn’t resign, even though people wanted him to and put it in writing.

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Probably not a lot but … it’s that nobody can trust a single thing he says …

Excellent article Percy and pretty much sums up my feelings about him.

These are few points that stood out to me:

Focus groups show Keir Starmer failing to cut through. And doubts among his top team resurfaced after a survey for the liberal-leaning Observer found most still prefer Boris for PM.

Which would be fine – though a touch petulant – if being tedious really was his main issue. It isn’t. The fundamental difficulty is that over the past few months Starmer has opted to place honesty and probity at the heart of his offer to the electorate.

And no one – not allies, not enemies, not the British people who he’s depending on to deliver him the keys to Downing Street – can rely on a single political word that passes his lips.

Leading Corbynite commentator Ash Sarkar tweeted: ‘I would rather boil my own head than vote Labour with this leadership.’

But let’s say Starmer is prepared to abandon his old comrades in his pursuit of power. How does that align with his claim ‘I stand for honour and integrity, and the belief that politics is a force for good, and we shouldn’t all be dragged down by this cynical belief that all politicians are the same’?

But who can actually trust Keir Starmer? Whose side is he really on? During this week’s rail strikes, is it the unions who can depend on his support, or commuters?

When it comes to the Rwanda deportations, is he on the side of the migrants and their liberal defenders, or those who want firm action to stop the Channel crossings?

Does he stand with women who wish to protect their safe spaces, or the transgender community who wish to access them?

At the moment Keir Starmer can’t answer any of these questions.

Which is supremely ironic – some might say laughably hypocritical – given the nature of the attacks he’s launched on Boris over the past few months.

The Corbynites are right. They weren’t able to trust St Keir. And until he comes clean about whose side he’s really on, neither can anyone else.


etc, etc …

Sir Keir cleared - Case now closed.

Now there’s a surprise.

Why, all he did was have a Beer.

I’d say it’s more of a huge disappointment for you … :laughing:

Not at all, I’ve said all along that neither Beergate or Partygate should have been investigated and was just a waste of police time. The police weren’t doing retrospective investigations.

What the police were doing during lockdown were warning people and if they argued back at the police then the police would fine them.

All they way through it’s the hypocrisy that I’ve complained about.

The first Downing Street incidence was early 2020 and Downing Street even sent the Times a photo. If it was breaking the rules, it should have been reported to the police then and then the police could have warned them and that would have put an end to any more incidences.

Wonder how much all of these investigations have cost just for political games.

And that is really what you would like to see? The last thing you want is a Labour government. Isn’t keeping Starmer where he is the best bet of making sure we don’t get one? :102:

I agree with that and am listening to callers calling into LBC at the moment and saying how off putting Starmer is.

But not Boris’s the ultimate on the Podium?

I would like to see him go, and be replaced by somebody electable. Whichever party is in power, I think it is important to have a credible opposition to keep them on their toes.

What if no one is credible on either side?

I read this post last night, but didn’t answer it, because wanted to see if Omah would pick you up on it to keep to the topic of Keir Starmer, as I’m sure he wouldn’t want to be called a hypocrite and only pick me up on not bringing Keir up on his many threads regarding Boris.

But to answer your question, yes, Boris as well and any other politician or person who does it

The problem we’ve got is majority of politicians are dishonest, so all we can do is vote for the person who we think will be the best for the country and turn a blind eye to the unscrupulous way they go about things as they up against unscrupulous tricks themselves so that’s the only way they can get things done. Sad, but true.


Am afraid those days are long gone.

As a TL3, you are entitled to read the rules on moderation.

Responding to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, the force revealed nine officers spent about 3,200 hours on the so-called Beergate investigation.

Sir Keir and his team were cleared of any wrongdoing in July.

I think that Richard Holden, Tory MP for North West Durham, should be presented with the bill for wasting police resources … :bookmark: