Tips for coping with lockdown hair

What colour did you dye it, Tiff?

My hairdresser has mixed a light brown colour for me, I used to have it darker but the lighter colour suits me better, she said & I agree with her.:slight_smile:

Aww, that sounds lovely…just the thing for summer. You’ll be going blonde next! :smiley:

[FONT=“Verdana”]I have such baby fine hair that I can’t wear headbands anymore. I bought a Wahl clipper for $100 and I cut my own hair every few months. Been doing it through the entire pandemic.[/FONT]


The cost of haircuts has gone up.

Mine from £10 to £12.

I do not mind, lockdown has cost him a fortune.

Yes I went pink… see avatar… hubby isnt speaking to me. Hoping this makes you smile Lion Queen if you are able to access right now xx


@Summer Pink would not look great on many but I think you could get away with any colour Summer :grinning: it looks lovely.
I would look like someone had mopped up spilt juice :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: