Tips for coping with lockdown hair

Carol, I can’t do my own hair either & like your friend I am leaving mine til the hairdresser gets to it & I did buy hairbands but they don’t stay put, I have very fine hair.

My wife has cut my hair since 1975! I think I owe her about $20,000 now!

Oh I do. I have made most of my hair accessories or my husband has. I’ve got hair broaches, hair slides, hair forks, combs and sticks. I’ve got over3 feet of hair so often use these to hold it up or back.


Sent home with a supply of microwave shower caps.

They do work.

Clever and good to know.

I did use the hair bands a couple of times, but now have no need of them, as I had my good hair do day last Tuesday & the hairdresser has used a lighter coloured dye too, she always cuts it beautifully & it looks good, no more grey.

A bobble, I can just fit a teeny pony in with an inch of hair stuck out lol. I hate it if my hair gets on my face, I couldnt do with being cousin ITTfrom Adams Family


That is a cute little pony tail.:lol::lol::lol:

That really suits you Queenie! :mrgreen:

you can see me roots :shock: Pink hair it is :mrgreen:

Yes, LQ, go pink, though I liked the green too.

I’m off to have my hair done on Wednesday.
Having the works - shampoo, trim, hi-lights, the lot. :smiley:

I decided to go for a trim. . Eeeeek - I’ve been scalped!!!

It does feel very odd when you go shorter than you are used to, doesn’t it? I think it looks great - although to be honest I did like your hair longer, but I know that annoyed the heck out of you! You are clearly delighted with it, by the look of glee on you! :smiley: Good for you, and no more faffing around with it…unless you want to go pink…!! :shock:

Just found this thread…made me laugh LQ so have you gone pink yet…can’t wait to see it if you have :slight_smile:


I have gone short, a number 8 on top.

Much easier to dry my hair after a bath.

My Son bought hair clippers during the first lock down, so now he’ll never have to pay for a hair cut again. Guess who has to clip his hair… Good job I used to clip horses.

I see beauty everyday, without products. God that genepool is amazing.

I have had a good hair do day today. Having to wear a mask still is a pain & now it’s covered in dye as are my fingernails, from having to unhook & rehook it back on again.