Tidy house, tidy mind?

A place for everything and everything in its place.

I like neat, clean and tidy. My house is spic and span 99% of the time. I like it that way.

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If I just had a bowl and cup I would be the same OGF. But the way things are I would be washing dishes all day.

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I would love to live in a tidy environment, unfortunately those I live with do not!

I do a lot of work/writing sat in the kitchen and I donā€™t like noiseā€¦Washing Machine, dishwashers etc, it would drive me mad so I just wash stuff up as I use it Annie then it doesnā€™t make so much of a big job at the end of the day, and there isnā€™t a dishwasher full of pots waiting for me. And to be honest, I donā€™t think they do as good a job as me washing and drying them.

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Or none at all

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How incredibly sad !
Do the bin men bring leaves to scatter ?
Our just collect the bins .

I was puzzled by the leaf blowing too. I have never understood the purpose of leaf blowers. If they blew the leaves into the green bin that would be a result!

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You could be right Muddy, itā€™s certainly eccentric behaviour!

Apart from anything is there any more annoying noise .?

Leaf blowers blow other stuff too like dirt and litter.

Brooms are quieter and more eco friendly .

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She probably hasnā€™t got the time with the whole street to dust.

I canā€™t decide if you are for leaf blowers or against them Mr Smith?
Personally, Iā€™ve never seen the point of them. They just move stuff from one place to another and when the wind blows it puts it all backā€¦


I do a little tidying, now and then, but leap years are simply too far apart, Iā€™m afraid. My mind must be a real poop-hole, if thereā€™s a connection to be found between mind and state of house.

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Now thatā€™s what I call music Mr Smithā€¦

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I havenā€™t figured out what leaf blowers are for but using the same device as a leaf vac can be helpful for hard-to-get-at locations. Iā€™ve got one but hardly use it.

As for dishwashers they have been a must for thirty years. Their technology is so advanced these days. I have it running almost daily in an open-plan kitchen living room while watching TV without feeling disturbed. Should be super silent devices, though.

We have a very efficient dishwasher and Iā€™m very quiet.


Itā€™s all the same instinct, some folks are fascinated with a pressure washer, blasting water on a hard surface, some folks (for the same intrinsic reason presumably) blast leaves from one place to another, itā€™s that time of year coming, to dust off the Leaf Blower! :icon_wink:

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