Does anybody still subscribe to that phrase in their everyday work or life? I have cause to go to lots of hotels, pubs, restaurants and nightclubs and see some interesting sights every day. The ones with the least profitable operations are usually the most hopelessly disorganised too. Coincidence? Or is it a sign of a creative mind instead?20230821_150849|450x600
Health and Saftey springs to mind there Craig…
There was a case in my Town of A Dentist who kept his supplies in a Toilet room , there was something that patient got , he was struck off .
I really like a tidy clean house , and same goes for garden .
Some people have no shame , the people oposite me are moving im so glad , when her chidren were babies , it was the norm for her to open the front door and chuck the dirty nappy on the door step , waiting there till she would go to the dustbin which they keep at
the front of the house ,
And when the wind blows their dustbin over , they leave it for others to clear up , my neighbough get the bin in his garden i get the rubbish in mine .
This time when i cleared it up I tied the bag of rubbish to the bin handle …
You would think that i lived in a rough area , but their house was just sold for 305K
and probably the best house on the road .
Yep, I work in hospitality, tidiness is essential at a number of levels
I saw an article on this recently
My house is chaos and my mind is too .
I am creative tho!
Same here Muddy, but it only takes one hour to tidy to normality
I’ve been trying these last 25 years .
The Mind, not the house
That ‘s been a mess these last 60+
You’ve been here 60+, lets do the duration
My BH is very messy.She has the good fortune of having someone to clear up after her though.
I am neither tidy nor creative.
I am neat and tidy in surroundings and in my mind.
It’s always a wonder how I manage to keep it that way.
But, that’s just me.
I feel that I spend my whole life tidying up and throwing things out. That and loading the dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer and ironing. It’s such a drudge. There is a lot to be said for a minimalist lifestyle. When things are stressful and overwhelming the house can get untidy and then there’s a blitz to clear everything up because I can’t stand a mess. Sometimes I feel like I could do with Mary Poppins!
Actually yesterday I had a tidying blitz on my indoor work bench because the surface was completely covered in useful things.
We have a problem with flat surfaces in our place . They accumulate things and breed when we leave the house .
I’m a compulsive tidier both in the house and the garden…I can’t relax if the house messy.
Everyone is different I suppose but it amazes me how some people can function effectively in chaos.
Everything can be overdone and excessive tidying up and can even become an obsession. I need a tidy environment, a certain basic order to feel comfortable. Decluttering is no problem for me.
My house is alternately tidy…once in a while I actually tidy it.
Doesn’t last!
It would be nice if folks compulsive tidiness extended outside the home, in the public arena