This is what a huge number of people think about the toad, Farage

So you agree that Putin has made in a mistake by invading Ukraine?

The politicians are also Russian

Latest manufacturing PMI data;

Eurozone 45.6

Germany 43.4

UK 51.3

This means UK manufacturing is considerably more optimistic than than in the Eurozone

UK is 7th for manufacturing and the 4th largest trading nation

Keep all this in mind when you are endlessly lied to about Brexit.

Revised data puts UK joint first for growth in the G7. Funny how no progressive commentators tell you these facts.


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For example, Moscow has less than 1 50th of the violent knife crime London does

The most disappointing thing about being British is my citizens ability to only take notice of what the legacy media programs them with.

Who here knows that daily blackouts are a reality if we try to go for net zero by 2030? Just Stop Oil said this yesterday on LBC to Ali Miraj.

Does anyone know that Labour has a potential plan to tax per mile driven?

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Plenty of Labour MP’s were (are?) proud Communists.

Communism killed far more souls than Fascism, over 100 million.

So lets compare;
Farage a while back said he had some admiration for Putin.
Labour MP’s boasted affinity with the most brutal cult that ever existed.

I know which one of these is the most immoral

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doesn’t that already happen with petrol duty?


Are you saying Farage is a fascist?

I tried answering you 3 x but they wont post.

OK this post went through. I cba to re write the answers in full again. No he isn’t

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The expectation is charge per mile is in addition to fuel tax

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Which is a way to indirectly increase fuel duty but avoid affecting logistics industries and inflation on supplies. I doubt we will have the infrastructure to put this sort of levy into affect for years. It would require IT systems/cameras to be introduced around the country. We have been sleepwalking into a full surveillance society for 30 years now.

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I was thinking it might be like business miles where you self declare on your tax return

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Farage has created a persona for himself, it has been well crafted and provides him with a good income.
He is a clever person . However clever people rarely admire him.


Most cars these days are connected to the internet, either through sat nav’s the manufacturers connection to the vehicle, or just through your own smartphone. I can look on google earth and it tells me exactly where I’ve been for the last month and beyond Annie. I was amazed when I sold the last vehicle that the Sat Nav contained all the places I had visited since owning the vehicle. It could even work like a ‘Smart meter’ where mileage is transmitted to a data base on the net somewhere
I think the infrastructure is already in place Annie, and they don’t call them ‘Smart Motorways’ for nothing

That’s reliant on a mobile smartphone being switched on in the car so easy to fool. You can just un-bluetooth yourself. But we are certainly moving towards nonsense such as facial recognition software and even microchipping of humans. Nobody is kicking up a stink and demonstrating about that (yet). I’ve been told that at work they are trying to get us to move to “facial recognition” login for laptops. I’ve checked and the “old money” pin login is still possible, but I’m not happy with such a move. The current laptops we have you can open and shut the camera hole. I’m not sure this new kit has that option. People are having demos about all sorts of nonsense but accepting this complete invasion of privacy and population control measures by AI systems. Frog in cold water works it seems. Just sell the idea to teenagers and everyone thinks it’s great. Probably thought up by teenagers in the first place.

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It’s yer sat nav that tracks you Annie, and bluetooth is only short range, but your smartphone can be tracked unless it is completely switched off. But most new cars today are connected to the manufacturer whether you like it or not.
The frog is exactly correct
If you want to control the masses, do it in small increments

But you can switch location off? This is why criminal dramas always include “burner” phones in the plot.

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If the nearest mast can find you they know where you are, and being as masts on 5G are very close together it narrows it down Annie.

I don’t have 5g

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