This is a not very nice pest

A sluggish slug…


Yep. Give me the heeby jeebies when I come across them.

I’m sure in some countries they’d eat that.

I’m not a Buddhist or anything but I think all living things have got a right to live.He or she could have been you or me,we don’t choose how we appear on the planet.


Marge hates their guts!
They eat her cabbages and cauliflowers, among other things.
She’s tried nematodes but still they come.
They even manage to get into our kitchen, probably on the cats’ fur.

That last line made me shudder …

On your cats fur? Yuk.

I can’t see any other way in apart from the cat flap and I’m sure they can’t jump up and push it open on their own.

I remember leaving the bedroom window open one hot humid summer night and woke up to find 6 of them had crept in overnight and hid behind the curtain.

Good heavens. Can they climb walls?

Swarms of locusts destroying their farmers crops??

Yes they can … they’re very athletic when they want to be.

Wow, they must have very strong arms and legs.

Hee…hee, you think I’m teasing you but I’m not.
They used to climb up walls and get into my hanging baskets after my marigolds too.

Oh! Thats Gross Morty… :face_vomiting:

Makes you shudder doesn’t it.

Aren’t the brown ones ‘Spanish Slugs’ @Morticia, they suddenly took over from the black indigenous ones, something else we inherited from membership of the EU… :roll_eyes:

Are they? You could be right.
I always wondered why years ago I only ever saw black slugs but since Merkel pushed us all to take in masses of migrants back in 2015 it would figure why we’re inundated with brown.

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They can slither under even the most well fitting doors! Found a huge one in the kitchen one day - drowned it - then threw it out for the birds.

There are plenty of examples of so called ‘pests’…and they cause heartbreaking tragedies
‘Man’ is by far the most destructive ‘pest’ if you look at the bigger picture.

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You drowned it? You heartless beast!
Even the ugliest of God’s creations is entitled to life.
Why not just throw it over into next door’s garden instead?