This is a not very nice pest

I accept the rebuke - because you are so right - but revulsion ruled when I saw the thing. My kitchen is my temple!

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Well, perhaps it didn’t repent its munching sins. If it did, then like Lazarus… Just saying :wink:

When i bought my house over 40 years ago the previous owners had allowed miniature bamboo loose on the lawn. It took me years and a lot of Round Up to get rid of it.

Even worse the bamboo provided home for millions of slugs and snails. At night the garden glistened with them and walking down the garden after dark was accompanied by the crunching and squishing noise of you treading on the carpet of the damn things.

I bought three ducks and allowed them to wander the garden, it took them a couple of months but they completely eradicated the problem to the point that on my daily walks I would look for and collect any snails I came across.

The great thing about ducks is that their soft feet mean that they don’t damage other plants though you do have to protect seedlings. They also provided delicious eggs

I no longer have those ducks so there are snails and slugs living under my house.

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Given the slugs and my neighbour I will take the slugs.

If they don’t pay board and lodgings, and they crawl, walk, scuttle or slither, in my house, they die and are ejected… :angry:

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Can’t knock perfection. Adopt it, that’s what I say :wink:

One of my son’s favourite sayings is “Kill it!” about any insect or thing under his “creepy crawlie” heading which includes slugs.
I try whenever possible to rehome them rather than harm them and just this morning relocated a sizeable slug to some greenery in the field at the bottom of the garden.

Does that apply to all visitors, if they don’t pay board and lodgings but they walk or perhaps scuttle?

They’re very photogenic

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They can’t help being ugly. I know some people like that!

BTW. I know that the two large stalks have (retractable) eyes at the ends, but do the bottom smaller ones also have eyes?

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It does if they frighten the life out of me JB…
:gun: :axe: :dagger:

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The bottom two are feelers and tasters. If they lose any stalks they regrow

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Thanks. Interesting.

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They eat bird food too.

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That’s often the easiest way to catch them …
Once , after snooping around the garden I collected nearly 80, then threw them over the wall to my neighbour.
Half an hour later I saw all these little dark squiggly shapes crawling back over the boundary wall.

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:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:
I left the ones I took pics of alone, hoping the hedgehogs would eat them, they didn’t!

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I thought hedgehogs were supposed to love them.

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So did I, but not the hedgehogs here, these are spoilt with fancy & expensive hedgehog food, bought by others not me. I don’t feed the ones here but others do. :grinning: