Things we seldom see in homes anymore

Nothing old fashioned about linoleum Mags. It’s still manufactured and sold in England; my eldest has recently had two bathrooms floored with it where cut inlays of contrasting patterns look fantastic. Her supplier-installer is here Sinclair Till | Linoleum flooring london, luxury kitchen floors london, luxury bathroom flooring london

Such memories! I started my apprenticeship in the mid 50s and was a TV engineer right up until retirement. How big and heavy the TVs of those times were. Solid cabinets combined with a heavy chassis, huge transformers, massive loudspeakers, some were lethal. mains energised too. Plus the extra hazard of extremely high voltages involved. 7 thousand AC and around 25 thousand DC. Those were exciting days. :wink:


Wind up gramophones; free standing, table top, and portable.

Non-decorative oil/paraffin lamps, gas lamps, and candle holders.

Clockwork train sets.

Treadle sowing machines. I had one once but I suspect it’s been converted into a table in a trendy cafe by now.

Travel sewing machines.

A garage big enough that you can fit a modern car into it.

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Christmas paper trimmings.


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As it happens we have two wind up gramophones, both free standing. We still have the discs.


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