Things we seldom see in homes anymore

We have a ceiling with that dreadful anaglypta stuff we keep talking about taking it off but the task is daunting .

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Priest Holes.

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I thought it was a toilet brush :rofl:


I remember one of the first things that I bought (on credit at Woolworths) after starting my apprenticeship was a Music Centre, a single unit that comprised of a record player, radio, an eight track player and an eight track recorder which only recorded from the eight track player ! but I still managed to make up some great “favourites tapes” that I played on the eight track player that I fitted in my car (which was screwed on the underside of the dashboard below the valve radio).

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Further to an earlier comment. I recently replaced my over 40 year old freezer when i noticed inside the lid there was a picture of the mincer previously mentioned (top row centre). So they are not that old.

BTW this freezer was made in Australia the replacement of the same make (Westinghouse) is made in China.

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Oh how I loved twin tubs, I kept mine until it finally expired and had to buy the thing I use now


I could be wrong but I am sure the Westinghouse brand is part of Fisher & Paykel, originally a New Zealand company, though I am not sure that’s true anymore. They had a factory just outside Dunedin, long gone now. One of hubby’s first jobs after he left school, powder coating…he made appliances white.

I thought Westinghouse was a US Company, didn’t they make fail safe braking systems for trains?

The place at Orange used to make a variety of white goods under a lot of different names (Electrolux, Email) but they closed down years ago. I think they started as a munitions factory during WW2


Ugh…well who am I thinking of then?

I know, incredibly difficult question for you to answer… :rofl:

I had to look it up - Westinghouse Electric also made Fridges and Stoves and was a US corporation taken over by Electrolux in the 1980s. Electrolux is Swedish but they do still make appliances in Adelaide. (which I didn’t know) but a lot is made in China.

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Ok. I’ll admit to being too lazy to google (what does that say about me?!)
I know Fisher and Paykel was brought out/sold out to someone…give me moment, it will come to me

Haer (spelling?) which is a Fisher & Paykel owned brand, more a budget option, made in China…
But don’t quote me as I am still too lazy to google lol

By the way, tried to reply to you in the ‘riding a duck’ thread but it seems to have disappeared…

The original early Marconiphone cabinet mounted TV with radio. My maternal grandparents had one of these and a little later a large magnifying lens was fitted onto the front. Once it became popular, one was also placed into the pub’s lounge bar.


That’s gorgeous! What a pity things aren’t made with the same level of aesthetic anymore

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The sound was also just as fantastic as it’s looks … nothing at all like today’s tinny sounds things.


So excuse my blonde headed vacancy, but would I be right in thinking these would have been valve?


I’d like one of those today :blush:


The whole internal system was ‘valve’ powered and the heat given off was phenomenal. The only really good part about that model of Marconiphone was the radio section was independent of the TV.


The old fashioned lino….

I remember in school holidays it was job to get down on my knees with a nice clean duster and a tin of lavender floor polish and rub like mad until you could see your reflection in the lino! :grinning: