'The way my boss monitored me at home was creepy'

“It was creepy,” says Chris. "One of my managers was watching people’s personal computers to monitor what we were doing at home - all the time, not just when we were working. It was a bizarre way to carry on.

"They were ordered to connect their private laptop and desktop computers to more powerful office machines so they could continue their high-tech operations.

“We didn’t mind,” says Chris, "but I found loads of screens switched on one day when I came in to the office, and everybody’s desktops were there, on display.

“One of the managers wasn’t just looking at our work. He could see exactly what we were doing all the time - what we were watching on YouTube, that kind of thing.”

  • This is awful! I understand the need to ensure everyone is doing the work, but surely if you aren’t pulling your weight, it would be noticed?! :astonished:
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Not sure it would be noticed Pix, there are drawbacks to everything, and this one is associated with working from home.

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I’m not sure that’s legal. If you’re not working then it’s no different than a hacker spying on you. I can’t see that being legal. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

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At this point they go from being an employer to being a stalker. :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


But Spitty, to have your entire desktop on view? And also when you aren’t working? Surely there must be a way to monitor only the “work based software” if there is such a thing, y’know…? Relating to the office operations, and not your general computer! If that were me, I would get another laptop or something and use that, rather than have them snooping around - whose to say they don’t have remote access and can just have a nosy around?


Its the culture of distrust we have over here, Danny, I’m afraid. Managers absolutely believe their employees are up to no good, right across the board (or desktop!)

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That is what I would do Pix, trust no one.

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I understand, but if they’re not paying, you’re off the clock. that’s where their rights end. How many times before the pandemic did your boss follow you home to see what you’re up to. This is no different. IMHO


Its not great for morale though, Spitty…you are supposed to encourage, and give credit, and be supportive. Everyone is part of the team and works together! Maybe I’m too idealistic :roll_eyes:

Haha! Oh my word…when I was working in retail, the managers would turn up randomly at closing time “just to check all was well”, when secretly they were checking to make sure nobody was stealing the stock! To be fair, there had been a few instances of staff stealing things, but to be monitored like this was a bit unreal. On one occasion, a member of staff had her bag searched because someone else (who had a grudge against her) reported her for stealing. Of course nothing was found, a complaint to Head Office was made, and the monitoring stopped. I suppose that’s fair enough, but theirs an automatic stock inventory in place, and the shops all had cameras so…

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When I was in retail management. If I suspected an employee of say stealing from the till. Then the next day the person I suspected would be put in charge of the till, no one else was allowed (under any circumstances) to touch it. If money comes up missing then you have your person. I never did the he said/she said thing. One person may not like another and therefore report falsely. I always took tattletales with a grain of salt. Camera’s were my best friend when it came to separating BS from reality.

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I’m probably being totally naive here, but could you not simply disable your webcam when you log out of work? Or stick a blob of Blutak over it!


Doesn’t keep them from seeing your desktop if they are virtually monitoring activity. They can see you desktop just like you see it now. You can kick them out, if you are tech savvy.

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They have remote access, Sheba, which you have to authorise them to allow (or you are out of a job). So they can see everything in your computer, should they want to…obviously its best to password everything to the hilt, just in case, but gah! The whole thing gives me the shivers!

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@Bathsheba If I was to work from home I would have a computer just for that. My personal computer would be elsewhere. I would never give anyone access to my personal computer. It’s kinda like giving someone keys to your house. imho

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So it’s not just your webcam they’re using then? Then I seriously do not understand how what they’re doing can be considered legal. During work hours, yes, but outside working hours? Good grief, that really is stalking. If I were still working, I would definitely have two separate computers.

In fact, it incenses me that employers expect their staff to use their own, personal computers rather than supplying them with one for working at home. Bad enough that staff are having to set up a work station in their own home, especially as many do not have the luxury of a spare bedroom, and therefore have to use a corner of their living area for work. Honestly it is outrageous. Are the employers paying part of their employees’ mortgages? I know of people who have had to sell their sewing machines and other crafting equipment, because they have had to use their original crafting space as a work station. All this while the employers are saving overheads by being able to move into smaller premises. It really makes my blood boil :rage:

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Actually over here they probably would give you one with specific instructions to use it only for work. I say this because if you are working from home, using your own PC, and there is illegal content on your computer. It could put the company in a tight spot. Or they could catch a virus or spyware from your PC .So it’s safer for everyone if the company issues you a PC.

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That’s exactly as it should be here, but from reading the linked article it doesn’t seem to be the case. And gosh, yes, the risk of illegal content and viruses etc. From the employee viewpoint, they would no longer feel able to talk freely on a video call to friends or family. I mean, it’s just a total invasion of privacy!

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They do use a Webcam, the one pointing at your Sun Lounger. :beach_umbrella: :laughing: