The Tourist... BBC1

Maybe there is another season? Reminded me of Wanted.


Iā€™m interested to hear peoples opinions about the ending when its safe to chat about it without spoiling it for everyone


No worries Bathsheba Iā€™ll keep an open mind .

Iā€™m hoping something nice will happen for the police lady who is so needy

Iā€™m hoping he has been framed and is a lovely innocent man

Iā€™d like him and her to ride off into the sunset as a couple

Ok ok Iā€™ll stop making fantasy endings now


Haha, I was wanting all those endings too @susan_m!

Yes, that did run through my mind, but I think the complex plot was more or less 95% resolved, so I donā€™t know what theyā€™d use for a new season.

Yes, me too!

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I have watched the whole thing now ( it filled time when I was only able do a minimum of task ) and was pleased to find unlike many TV series all the loose ends were tied.
I wonā€™t spoil it for anyone but found the poignant ending appropriate.

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Oh, bugger, I really shouldnā€™t have read this thread until Iā€™d watched all the episodes. We still have 2 to go.


Watched episode 6 this afternoon . Bit disapointed but it was good watching if not wierd . It makes me wonder who writes this stuff


I love that she sent him a burrito in a textā€¦ but did he die?


We will find out in season 2


It made him smileā€¦so did she save him in time?
You chooseā€¦

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Yes but Iā€™m not confident in my choicesā€¦I hope he lived

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I have a feeling that the ending was deliberately left open to interpretation to allow for the possibility of a 2nd series.
If that happens I donā€™t think Iā€™ll bother

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Oh I do hope a second series is commissioned!


I want to know how the lady police officers life progressesā€¦I hope she finds a really kind lovely chap in fact she could have her own series that would do me to be honestā€¦


We are watching this and enjoying it. Apart from the main man I am loving Helen, the probationary cop and the double act of ā€œlemonā€ and the detective who is always disappearing to ring his wife.

It also reminds me of how vast Australia is with those long dusty roads. I bought something off Ebay and the woman said she would post it on her next trip to the nearest town which was something like 3 hours away.

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I watched it too and nearly gave up only for Helen the probationary police woman ,she was brilliant ,loved seeing her stand up to her pathetic boyfriend
didnā€™t like the ending I felt Iā€™d wasted my time
I was reading reviews and someone said ,why on earth didnā€™t someone say your obviously from N Ireland so letā€™s start there ha ha ha and so true


Although a good few loose ends were tied up in the final episode there are still some dangling in the wind so, a 2nd series please scriptwriters.

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With nothing else that appeals elsewhere, Iā€™ll try ā€œThe Touristā€ tonight.

Already on Episode 4 - I like the Fargo/Memento-style plot, the lead actors and the cinematogrophy.

Series 1 finished but I had to find out what happened next ā€¦ so, Series 2 ā€¦ set in Ireland.