Kirlian photography is amazing !
How many have picked out faces and shapes in the clouds…If you look for it, you will find it…Imagination is a wonderful thing.
OldGreyFox it was a Sunday morning very quiet no people or traffic about i know what i saw and i certainly was not being deceived or hallucinating. Maybe it is only certain people that are able to see this type of thing and no not nutters i know what i saw and will never forget it.
Anyone who has seen things will agree with you Doc. Don’t worry.
I do not believe in the 'supernatural ’ in any shape or form and feel if there was any validity to the claims of the existence of such a thing it would have been proved conclusively by science and someone would have won the James Randi challenge by now…
However, like religion and believing in angels and fairies if people get some kind of comfort or satisfaction from believing that some things ‘exist’ that is their choice.
We all have our own way of progressing through life
I don’t doubt what you saw Doc, I honestly wish I had been present with you. This world continues to amaze me with many unexplained incidents, but until I am party to one, I will remain doubtful.
I have said this many times on this and other forums, having been a spiritualist for over 40 years, and nothing will shake my beliefs.
There has always been a difference of opinions between the scientists and spiritualist, thats fine by me I will listen to you scientists read what you say, but I won’t change my views.
If when I die I am wrong, it will not matter, but when you die and discover you are wrong …
Here, Here Meg. Lives are built on dreams and beliefs, and they are so personal they should not be shattered. They are a means to a [hopefully] happy end.
And in the words of Dave Allen: “May your God go with you”.
Exactly how I feel Meg!
I feel exactly the same way. The world and the universe in general is an awesome and wonderful place. Feeling awe and wonder, however, does not mean we have to ascribe supernatural meanings to the things we do not understand - we simply do not understand them. What makes humanity pretty much unique in our world, is that we continually strive to understand.
I will post no more on this subject its like beating my head against a brick wall doh doh!!!
An open mind is a curious mind - shut it down to ‘all’ possibilities is not the perfect answer - we should be interested in the spiritual side of life, once you have that interest knowledge follows. Its like looking up to the stars - to some its a wondrous sight - to others, well they’re there as they have always been ‘shrug’
Shutting down to any notion and question with just the comment, ‘show me the proof’ is a little backward in thinking
Those that choose this path are not exploring the journey - their choice - I will not attempt to change a closed mind …
Like it, Wrinkly.
Good 4 U
When I have the time I really would like to print out this thread. It is so informative and inspiring. I may share it with my kids as they are also into all of this. I bet they would really love the discussion and beg for more.
Hee, hee
We’re sailing on the same ship!
Just one more experiance that i really have to add. I moved into a one bedroom flat back in 1990 after my marriage ended. My brother John was living in the USA so he never ever saw my flat and i never sent him any photos or discussed it at all with him.
So how come he phoned me up and could describe the flat even telling me correctly what bits and pieces were under the sink, how many windows and even the pictures on the wall. When i asked him how he knew he told me he had a dream about visiting me, this is a clear case of Astral Projection when the soul leaves the body.
That’s exactly right
Anyone who would like to know more about Astral Travel there is plenty of info online just google it☺
I find Astral Travel really wierd and interesting Doc ,Ive seen sites that show you how to do this .
Wow, Doc, that is amazing !