When my son was very young [ about two years old ] he would wake up every evening about 8/9 pm sobbing ,each time he would say that "the lady was there "what lady Id ask, ’ "In the corner there " he would point to a corner of his room,she would tell him "Its alright P dont be frightened ,go back to sleep " There was nothing there that could have resembled these occurances it would take ages to settle him.Even after these many years he remembers it vividly , says she was an old white haired lady who was rocking, either sitting in a rocking chair or busy knitting,we looked through family photos ,especially both his Grandmothers who died when he was a baby,but none he could identify with
Its well known that tiny children can often see things that adults cannot, probably because they haven"t been on earth as long and still attached to the spirit world in some way.
That’s much the same as I think too, Doc.
you will always remain doubtful we will always doubt yu!
[SIZE=“4”][FONT=“Arial Black”]There are the sublime -[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=“4”][FONT=“Arial Black”]and the ridiculous.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=“Comic Sans MS”]Seek to be happy - believe.
Seek the truth - doubt !
and then there are the bananabenders - as bent as they look!
I think there are a few people who need to come down from Mount Ego with their eyes, hearts and minds open - they could learn so much.
Maybe a lot of experiences/happenings/things in this world cannot be explained or ‘proved’ but that doesn’t mean they are not valid. I do not believe that we are meant to know everything anyway!
[quote=“Silver Tabby, post: 676431”]
I think there are a few people who need to come down from Mount Ego with their eyes, hearts and minds open - they could learn so much.
Maybe a lot of experiences/happenings/things in this world cannot be explained or ‘proved’ but that doesn’t mean they are not valid. I do not believe that we are meant to know everything anyway![/QUOTE]
Exactly, Tabby.
Very true - I’ve wondered about this because of my own experiences as a child - I think the reason it lessens as we age is because there are so many distractions and stress to deal with
Those that can meditate have an advantage - unfortunately I’m not able to do that - but I still have my psychic moments
I wonder why it’s just certain People who have these experiences?..I know My mind,eyes,ears are wide open to all things,yet I’ve not had anything of these kind of happenings…It’s just not fair :~)
Maybe its in the genes - maybe a gift - who knows
I wish I could play piana like Sparky did :-p
Aye but You could learn to play piano…erm…who the heck’s Sparky? ;~)
Well you can learn - don’t mean you won’t hurt peoples ears with yer attempts :-p
As for Sparky, heard him as a kid, a little boy that sat at a piano, hands poised, then the piano took over teaching the boy to become an accomplished pianist.
I sat there hands poised - nothing …
Thanks ST,…magic…I think I now remember sparkys ‘voice’ on the radio when I was a Baby in My pram…heh heh ;~)
You cant beat the 78 version - if I’d seen the cartoon - I wouldn’t have believed it :-p
You’re a good 'un and no mistake
You’ve taken me back over 50 years to a toddler again :-p
Hands up all those who believe in spirits, alien visitors, dream-visions, astrology, psychics, fortune-tellers and the like …
Betcha they’re the same ones who believe in angels, Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, the Virgin Birth, the ‘resurrection’ etc etc etc
but disbelieve that man is contributing to Global Warming.
You do have strange logic sometimes.
I do believe there is something to astrology … fortune telling and spirits.
But I don’t believe in Adam and Eve or the virgin birth.
Doesn’t mean I’m right … or that I’m wrong either.
Global warming?
Oh come on now … we all know that was precipitated by alien visitors and alien abductions. They cocked up the fine balance of toxic chemicals mankind has infected the atmosphere with. Space ships are so environmentally unfriendly. How do I know they exist? The USA have got an alien or two in Area 51.
I’m not daft ya know. :-p