The Supernatural

Thats exactly right May.
I dont care if people dont believe what I believe ,thats up to them. Nothing they say will change my mind about my beliefs and I guess nothing I say to them will change their minds either .

TessA Id love to hear your experiences and im sure others would on here as well. Please!!!:slight_smile:

Sorry, my stories are true and very personal, I don’t intend to lay myself open to ridicule, so I’ll pass, for now.

Yes. Afraid I got my hands on some vodka and nothing good comes of it.

So - sorry to Aysa for my drunken outburst but at least they are becoming far less than previous.

Thankyou for that MKJ :slight_smile:

Yes well done MKJ :relaxed:

How do you know you weren’t being deceived or hallucinating Doc? There are many illusionists who could perform such a disappearing act. Also, the mind is capable of providing mis-information. We know there is no such thing as magic, but there are illusions we can not explain. So why don’t you believe in magic?
The mind can be tricked, especially in times of stress or bereavement.

and you have ‘evidence’ of your views - where is it - I see naught but blunder and blust and puffing and panting - nothing else!! - we await your factual report - yes real experiences that there’s nothing there! - of did it all go up in a puff of smoke?

have another bundie;-)

exactly and your ‘theory’ is???

they ARE producing the evidence - you just can’t see it!!:shock::shock:

well you’re trickin no one OGF - go and have another run and sweat it out!!;-):wink:

have none of you non-believers not seen the many photo shots that people have taken of friends and groups with unexplained images appearing in them of other human type shapes - there have been hundreds of them? - or is this just a quirk of the camera??

It is interesting and entertaining but nothing has stood up to scrutiny. Our minds are capable of anything and can conjure up whatever if stimulated in the right (or wrong) way.

Nothing out there but our incredible imagination.

Your turn :smiley: .

[B]It is interesting and entertaining but nothing has stood up to scrutiny. Our minds are capable of anything and can conjure up whatever if stimulated in the right (or wrong) way.


exacty and you are doing a great demo of it NOW!:shock::shock:

I knew it. I’m right again.

you’ve never been right since ya forgot to turn left before the bar!!;-);-)s

ps: prove it einstein

I have a friend who uses Kirlian photography, which photographs auras and can show up health problems too.
I have several photographs she took of my hands and even some of my dogs paws, and on one in particular, there is a spirit presence to be seen, quite clearly. SO THERE! (blowing a big raspberry at all the doubters). :smiley:

they’ll never believe - that’s why they’re called doubters

Don’t care Gummy, that’s their loss. :wink:

good I thnk we’ve reached the first impasse!