The Royal Pantomine continues

We have sent over 4.6 Billion pounds worth of aid to prop up a foreign war that has nothing to do with us…Quote:-
How much aid has UK donated to Ukraine?
As the second largest donor, the UK has committed £4.6 billion in military assistance to Ukraine so far (£2.3 billion in 2022 and a commitment to match that funding in 2023).

And over £100 billion to knock twenty minutes of the train journey from London to Brum with HS2…Quote:-
The cost of completing HS2 has ballooned from £33bn a decade ago to an estimated £100bn today, making the project “a sitting duck for cuts,” said New Civil Engineer.8 Feb 2023

How much has that cost each person on the UK???
And we are discussing abolishing the royal family who cost each of us £1.29 per annum…
I think we need to get our priorities right. And remember, the value and worth of the royal family might not be patently obvious now, but once it’s gone…It’s gone! Perhaps we should replace them with a Putin…I wonder how much each person will pay per annum to support him…and it won’t just be coin of the realm…Quote:-

The official expenditure by the monarchy was £107.5 million – a rise of five per cent from £102.4 million in 2021-2022. The cost per person in the UK of funding the total sovereign grant was £1.29 – which had not changed since last year.21 Jul 2023

Two of the reasons why tourism was down in London, was Covid, and the fact that it has turned into a shit hole run by black gangs of knife wielding muggers and murderers and people don’t feel safe there anymore.

Sorry OGF but wherever you are getting these figures from is a work of fiction .

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One great myth is that tourists come to see the royals .
This is not true .
They come to see historical palaces and castles.
France has the same but it gets far more tourists than us without a monarchy .

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Spain tops the list, with an estimated 16.5 million visitors from the UK in 2022. France is second with 7 million UK visitors while Greece follows closely behind with 4.2 million visitors.

No I don’t need to refer a encyclopaedia.
I’m sure you’re well aware of what I meant
I find the disparity between them HRH and us the public more evident than ever with the increase in poverty and homelessness.
Indeed to me it’s obscene .

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I’m my opinion it diminishes your argument if you use ‘evidence’ to support it which is obviously untrue. You are maligning a family - they are people, whatever you think of them - I’m sure you could come up with something more realistic if you really believe what you are saying.

If your unable to understand my meaning
Well, put it this way in my opinion, the UK is in danger of becoming /returning feudal in its disparities.

Well said Ripple .

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Oh I fully understand your meaning it’s just a shame that you don’t fully understand the Feudal System. If you did you would find a better example to support your viewpoint. Anyway, I’ve said my piece and will bow out now :relaxed:

You had better take that up with the ‘Evening Standard’ Muddy…

It’s not just tourism. People come to this country for business and work because of the prestige factor of the royal connection. It’s not as pronounced as it once was but it is still there. It’s the whole package, the history, the pomp, the impression that this country has a good reputation built on the establishment (that everyone knocks these days). Of course the current political climate is to destroy all those institutions that symbolise a refined culture in this country, the royal family being one of them.

In terms of the Royals and a gap between rich and poor, that has always existed in every country. But there is a great deal of personal wealth which is held by individuals who are most certainly not royal. Whether those individuals contribute as much to add value to Britain as the royals would be an interesting analysis in itself.


I am astonished at this absurd reasoning .

Who cares?

Absolutely Annie, if not the Royals, then who? Richard Branson? We all know what happened to him don’t we…Took his money out of the country…

I do when I see tax payers money being squandered on privileged super rich who just got lucky in the lottery of birth .
The age of un deserved deference is past and the monarchy should go with it.
Ordinary people are suffering hardship while this overindulged bunch are quite literally wallowing in wealth .

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I hope not else be heading for the barricades .

Someone worthy of it !

Communism and Socialism is supposed to share the money equally and put the surplus back into society Muddy.
So who decides who is worthy?
Isn’t that why we have a choice at the elections?

There are worthy people around .
We pay these people ( not their useless hangers on on ) a fair but not outrageous sum to represent our country as President .
After four years they call,d be voted in or out again
And before someone starts citing ridiculous examples there are good presidents in the world .
I will cite one Jose Mujica of Uruquay
A man who lived humbly and never took his Presidential salary .

is the royal family of real value?