'The most serious IT outage the world has ever seen'

I’ve known a few good runners down at the club (I only went a couple of times) who packed up running long distance because they hated the long Sunday run when there was nobody to run with. I looked forward to being out on my own with nature and my thoughts. Sorted many things out while out running Dachs. I always came home with senses heightened and feeling mentally refreshed, and since joining the forum in 2015 I couldn’t wait to get home and write down some of my experiences…You will find them here… Bob’s Bits.
It does carry a warning of sleep apnea and drowsiness… :sunglasses:


Problem there Bruce is, you have to sign into everything again and I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve got some long forgotten passwords on sites not often visited… :anguished:

No disrespect July, but there’s a whole world of noise happening all around you that you block out…Some good, like the sound of birdsong or the wind rustling the trees or the sound of running water while passing a brook…And some not so good…The vehicle approaching from behind with the driver fiddling with his smartphone or the massive screen situated on the dashboard…Or the mugger with his eye on your phone sneaking up behind…Or alternatively, you could sort yer life out while you are on your own with no distractions…

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Dachs, I am so incredibly impressed that you are out there giving it a go and enjoy jogging (however long the distance) and enjoying your table tennis and health club. There is something so impersonal about the virtual staff members. I have always like the vibe of enthusiasm and helpfulness in gyms that staff members, and I am ever the person who is standing in front of a new machine, timidly thinking, “What in the world do I do with this thing?” Nothing replaces having someone actually show you :woman_facepalming:


You’re an inspiration @OldGreyFox , I wish I had that stamina. I’ve never been one for doing exercises, keep-fit or sports in general. At school I hated P. E. and I remember in one of my school reports, the teacher gave me a D! A big contrast with all the As and Bs I usually achieved in other subjects! :laughing:

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Isn’t there a limit, though?
Do humans risk becoming inhuman? I mean, I imagine a future where humans won’t even know how to think anymore.
Of course, I’m not against technological evolution /development, I would be mad if I was, it’s the “abuse” that worries me.
Moderation, not excessiveness. :smiley:

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Hi Surfermom, I’m not sure I earn your admiration (but I’m glad about it nonetheless :blush:). I hope you don’t mind me clarifying that at no place in my post did I intend to imply that I run “However long the distance” but admitted that it gets shorter and shorter paying tribute to my age and health condition. Yet I’m still out and about and that should matter.

Yes, I understand everyone who says that such a sterile and bloodless “room” with the charm of a warehouse is not their cup of tea. I really loved the old health club , was even a bit proud of it for the ambience which made it different from the usual gyms for iron pumpers which are, let’s say, functional to put it positively.

I was shocked to hear that the owner couldn’t keep it any longer because maintaining such a building was simply getting too expensive. I realised how strongly we had got(ten) :wink: used to importing cheap Russian gas and oil that allowed an entrepreneur to operate such a business at a profit and at affordable prices. With the new gas prices, it’s only the state that can finance such an object in its given form. Reportedly, the premises are going to be used by a state sports school. After two years without a gym at all and quite some suffering, I was electrified when I heard that at least this “kind of gym” had opened. I was one of the first to sign up and benefitted from special conditions offered on that day only.

As @Rose2 also says, it is sad but for me it not so much the impersonal atmosphere of this gym, which I can come to terms with, but the fact that Putin’s war really lowers our standard of living (in many respects). While the old health club was viable enough to feed the owner, the new one is one of three staffless health clubs that need to be run by the owners, in my case a couple.

Is your username indicative of sporting activities?

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That is ALL that matters!

I am sure you were! I felt the same elation when the powers that be finally opened our gyms and incredibly - the trails, parks, and beaches that were closed during the pandemic. :roll_eyes:.

Yes, I run six days a week (distance-wise quite a bit less than I used to), surf whenever it’s warm and we have a (smallish) swell, cycle casually when I can afford the time (5-10 miles or so) to cool down after a run, and do some stand-up paddle boarding. I guess you could say that I like it outdoors :grinning:.


KeePass is your best friend. Most sites have ways to reset passwords then log them in Keepass it is free, open source software. Just get the simple version (v1.42 currently)

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I agree. We depend too much on technology. I hate that even at the doctor’s office everything is online. What happens if we get another IT outage and it’s not cleared up quickly.

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Robert, I run 5 km Park-run every Saturday with aprox 80 other runners, I’m not on my own or crossing any streets – no risk of vehicles coming behind me or being mugged and I’m happy with my life, not need to sort it out.

Thanks anyway.



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Wow, that’s an impressive range of activities done with an intensity that will keep you busy the whole week if I think of you running almost every single day. I forgot cycling which I also do. An eleven km circuit around the lake that I live by is literally at my doorstep. That’s why I also do SUP and canoeing on calm days but don’t consider them to be sporting activities. What I’ve never done and regret is surfing and kite surfing which I can watch people doing on windy days from my window and there’s quite a number of the latter. As soon as the wind reaches Beaufort 6 they are notified by their apps (here we are again) and bring their equipment as early as after lunchtime. I have a hunch they must be finishing work earlier on those days. Working flexitime makes it possible.

We also have swells like these which are surfers’ paradise.

Folks need to stop dramatizing financial crashes and IT outages, its big business now :grin:

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Sorry July, I can be a bit opinionated at times but I meant no harm…(If you read my stuff You know what I’m like… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)
Well done on the Park Runs, any running is good running…With or without ‘ear buds’
Incidentally, if I was to wear ‘ear buds’ (which I would not) this is one of the songs that I think would be perfect to run to…


Good running July… :sunglasses:

I run my computer every day :slight_smile:


What a beautiful locale, Dachs. It looks like it offers endless options for a day of fun and activity. I share your regret for not trying windsurfing (so far) and I had a long time between surfing, but I picked it back up when I was in my late forties and haven’t looked back.

It’s still cultural in the surf communities, including mine, to have someone take a look at the surf first thing in the morning and call others to spread the word if the surf is up. These days, that is in the form of a very large instant messaging group. We all follow Surfline and other apps, but nothing beats the ring or ping of the “coconut telegraph.” (We also use the group for surf gossip, but that is another story."

Outstanding! You sound like you are taking good advantage of being in such a remarkable place.

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I run my mouth every day, IT outage-free. :grin:


I don’t think so. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Right you are. I was referring to the circumstances and the fact that a lake is no ocean and that there are amateurs only. Professional surfers’ real paradise is in Portugal, just to give one example.

Just got to say it. I surf the web. :slight_smile:

I don’t mind it …honest. Conversations on a thread can wander just the same as those face to face. Probably a good thing but the way the talk has gone is so different from what would be expected to read under the heading, ‘The most serious IT outage the world has ever seen’. :slight_smile:

Sorry Dachs - Meant to reply to the thread in general.