'The most serious IT outage the world has ever seen'

All hail the World-Wide Web, Microsoft and the cashless society, eh! One of my sons has no access to his bank account, couldn’t pay for shopping because the supermarket was totally offline and couldn’t even use his phone app to pay for bus fare home. Obviously, can’t draw any cash from a cash machine. A couple of friends have similar problems, with one of them going to a doctor’s appointment, finding the surgery was offline too, and they couldn’t log in to find his appointment, let alone call his records up.

Around the world, many airports and railway services are at a standstill. Hospitals, emergency services, Stock Exchanges, even some TV services like Sky… you name it, some areas around the world will be down right now.

‘I don’t think it’s too early to call it: this will be the largest IT outage in history,’ said Troy Hunt, a respected security consultant, in a social media post. ‘This is basically what we were all worried about with Y2K, except it’s actually happened this time.’


Sorry not reading that, they want my consent, not getting it, last time I was bombarded by hundreds of crap emails. So now if they ask I don’t read it.


Smart is dumb, smart is dumb. When will the penny drop! Do not expect any compensation for any inconvenience. No records, deleted information, no proof that money or vital information has been stolen, innocent people falsely accused.

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Brilliant Cinderella! :joy:

Back to serious stuff.

SCARY. :neutral_face: :expressionless: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


The inherent “Turf War” . Between ISP’s has certainly heated up since Jan 24.
As a subscriber to four.
Finding undesired interpolation. The word “SYNC”, whether requested or not.
The Maggot, Self introducing from otherwise unknown unused platforms.
The www. Introduced by the brilliant Bill Gates. No longer has his philosophical intent. Domestic/Public Interchanges. >> Shanghaied and Saturated by Commerce. Together with inevitable Fraudulent. Inciter & Influencer nuance’s.
Although a user since Sinclair Z! With little to no formal IT expertise.
Hesitate possibly infuriate some.
The advent of “AI.” Open to both. Also run with the tide Bright Sparks AND Experts. Will become the demise, of the ol polloi using the www. as accustomed.
Beyond ‘Private’ Messages. Privacy and analytic monitoring, being hit and miss!
Vision. Resembling TV 90% Advertising. 10% Substance.

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Look on the bright side, it doesn’t happen very often.

You’re not supposed to give them your email address.

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Nothing Happens Very Often.
Until it happens Very Often.
One of the problems that besets those who Think Outside of ‘Todays’ Bubble.
With little regard towards Tomorrow’s Bubble.


Doing without computers is no alternative either. What’s the solution?

? Solution >>
Computers Here to stay. So have Aircraft.
With ‘Universal’ Licence. Inspection. Rules and Monitoring.
If Standards Faulty. They Don’t Fly!

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Nothing came up asking for my email address whatsoever. I think your web browser security could do with looking at.

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I went to Coles early this morning (Saturday) and the checkouts were working though the promo/advertising screens still displayed the blue screen of death.

The ABC local radio this morning kept having to dive over to the Sydney broadcast as they recovered their systems, no on-air phone calls, weather reports etc. The 7pm news last night had no graphics and a very sparse news report.

I think most of Europe slept through the worst of it as the initial event was 5am AEST.

Interesting times…

True. If someone thinks that we have become too dependent on computers, it implies that we could turn back time and would have fewer problems if only we wanted to. What needs doing instead is quality control and double-checking at sensitive levels ,e.g. the kernel level, even if this has a price tag. It turns out that the CrowdStrike update simply wasn’t formatted correctly. Although appearing Microsoft-related, Microsoft had nothing to do with it.

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Who knows what they get when they get your consent. Not chancing it any more anyway.

Thy didn’t ask for my email they ask consent to put things in or get things from the PC.

… but don’t 90% of websites nowadays. It’s called cookies. The nature of the internet.

Better to live dangerously than not at all.



Scoff if you like, but progress and globalisation will be the death of us all. Probably not in my lifetime…But there is a storm coming and the working classes will be the first casualties…If we’re not already.