'The most serious IT outage the world has ever seen'

This is what happens when the world relies on technology too much. Bring it down a notch or two, and have traditional ways work alongside the technology. Its supposed to be a help, not bring the world crashing to a halt.


If we’re not careful we’re gonna end up like the movie Idiocracy. Back to the stone age or worse. :anguished:

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It’s already fixed in some places. Just went to the Co-op and paid for the items by card.

Had a flutter on the lottery on Friday. Checked the numbers this morning and the site was offline. OK by this afternoon.

You mean cookies? Every website uses cookies. If you’re getting spam email from websites you need to run some thorough antivirus software as a precaution.


I have anti-virus. They don’t seem to harm PC just give me a load of crap emails & I never open them. I never know which site has done it, It’s annoying, so now if a site asks for me to consent, I go somewhere else. usually the BBC as they give the same info & don’t ask.

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You do right Tiff… :+1:
If a site asks me for some personal details to be able to look at their stuff I just come straight out and sod em’… :009:


Although that may be the call of the hour, I wonder how realistic that is, Pixie? The human race doesn’t seem to be cut out for constraints both personal and social ones. If they do accept limits, it’s because there’s no alternative or because they have learnt something the hard way. It has catastrophe written all over it if man, who tends to go for the most convenient option and is a cognitive miser, operates in a system that promises to reward people who go beyond limits and ignore constraints (e.g. stem cell research, AI, environmental protection). In our case, I suspect that man would make one more digital backup rather than using a conventional, non-IT way as a fall-back option. Personally, I make sure I get myself a printout of essential digital documents. Better safe…


things seem to be back to normal here in Australia now

I dont think everyday people are going to change their cash/card habits from it.

Wollongong ABC local radio was broadcasting to the whole of regional NSW this morning to allow them to fix their systems, they even explained what was being done.

If the computer has the blue screen of death continuously it can’t update itself so it has to be booted up into “safe mode” ie no drivers, ethernet etc loaded, then using Windows Explorer a certain file in a certain folder has to be deleted. After that it is just a matter of rebooting the computer normally and allowing it to update itself. Job done.

It is worth knowing how to boot your computer into safe mode anyway. (it varies slightly with different models) Just in case…

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Interesting points you raise there, Dachs, thank you!

So…best of both worlds then? A physical copy of a digital document. I like that idea…I think. But then, we need to consider how much weight it would carry in a non-internet world :thinking:

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…that’s why you need to really carefully select those docs.

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I back up my computer each month onto Memory sticks Dachs, but to be honest, there is nothing on there that I would lose any sleep over if it were lost. But I would be sad.
Running logs and general diaries are all printed out at the end of each year. Running logs and events go back to 1978…
Most lost stuff can be recovered, and if the internet went down permanently it would be just the communication aspect. Social Media, Email, facebook etc, most of which we could well do without…No problem with money, my mattress is chocked full of the stuff… :moneybag: I would miss you guys though…

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So would I. :blush:, Foxy. Hope you’re on the mend.
Yes, the digital heritage is a point to consider. Tbh, I wouldn’t like my daughters to read some of my emails or posts…So, I’d rather delete them and won’t have to worry about them. Thanks for the tip. :+1:

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Just stuck with it, being a sucker for a Spreadsheet. :grin:


Thanks Dachs, I’m doing okay… :+1:
It’s sometimes hard not to do the things that I know I shouldn’t do, but Mrs fox keeps a close eye on me, and insists I slow down and take my phone out with me…
Are you still getting out for a run?

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That’s an interesting point - perhaps another thread even. What happens to peoples “digital life” if they pass on? Do people keep passwords so their family can remember them in some way, or is it best to let digital stuff drift away forever? Is it better to routinely do housekeeping on our data, printing things off to keep in physical form…hmm :thinking: I know I print off photos and snippets of articles I find online, but thats it really.

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You shouldn’t have binned your old camera, they never lie, or do they?

Oh its my own photos, not anyone elses, and my camera(s) have been raised properly…they always tell the truth :smiley:

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I’m going to start a new thread for that topic.


A very wise Mrs Fox.

Yes, in fact I do, accidentally just yesterday after a bit of a break since it had been simply too hot. Our summers have become really unbearable. I’d never have thought that, one day, I may be looking forward to any season but summer. My distance has become shorter and shorter, though. I try to come to terms with it by telling myself I should be grateful to be mobile at my age in the first place. I live in a very popular area by a lake where people do all sorts of sport but you rarely see people at my age (70) jogging along. So I should really thank my lucky stars which I do. After having been a tennis player all my life I recently joined a table-tennis club and like it. I also go to the gym once or twice a week for a little workout.