The Lancet Scolds Those Claiming a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated

I don’t know about cancelling Christmas, but the list of restrictions sounds not dissimilar to ours.
Media exaggeration, perhaps?

I shall continue to interact with you both… in the nicest possible way of course! :wink:


Neil Ferguson who breaks his own rules and has been wrong about everything now comes out with this.

If you’re wondering whether you have Covid, a cold or flu, here’s a nice comparative table of symptoms.
OK, yes, it’s the Express, but interesting nevertheless.

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Vaccine passports have been introduced in night clubs in Wales for months.

They have worked so well, night clubs will close on the 27th December.

Looking at that table, it would seem that I’ve had all 3 ailments on a repeat loop since I was about 23.


You are right Morticia, but when people read an article and believe it is true ( often because it fits in with their political beliefs) debate dies & becomes a pathetic argument that where some cannot accept that they may be wrong!

Nobody has proof, it is just others opinions that fit their own beliefs!

The real problem is that everybody thinks they are right, but nobody can prove they are, so when they are challenged they resort to being rude & lower the debate into a petty argument.

My idea, that this was started by China, is related to a very impressive report I read but I can’t prove it.
If 70 thousand health workers would rather lose their job than have the jab, it is their choice, but they don’t know whether they are right.
Nobody can be sure that they are right, because they don’t have all the facts, but I would rather go with the majority, and we all know that the majority always win the debate, even if they are eventually proved wrong ! :laughing:

Who has been rude? Name names if you wish, but don’t generalise!

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Here comes a 2 week lockdown after Christmas

That should please the fascists- more domestic abuse, more untreated cancer cases, more destruction of the economy and more people out of work.

For 15 people in hospital with Omicron…

But great for the conspiracy theorists all that time on their hands…….:slight_smile:

Health workers exercising their right to not have a vaccine is their choice and their right of informed consent.

Losing their job is their punishment for not doing what the state demands.

All conscientious ones will take the vaccine those that don’t are not in the right job in the first place.
Health workers have a duty of care towards their patients . So better they take up other employment

70,000 is just a number plucked out of the air anyway .

No they won’t I can guarantee that.

I think most people here know that my daughter has been very poorly with Covid and almost died …she put a post up on Facebook a few days ago about her experience…anyway it was picked up by a newspaper and they did an article about her…

I’m telling you this because the article has attracted terrible comments from antivaccine people…comments like she is a liar she was paid to say this or she should have died really vitriolic comments which have upset her and all of us…we havent replied to any of them but I can tell you if the men in my family could find one or two of those idiots they would not be posting for a while…why are some people so mean

Follow the science

I read somewhere that all care home staff must be vaccinated, I would not want my elderly mother ,not that I have one, near an unvaccinated person, so we all have rights, therefore if the unvaccinated are uncooperative in these care homes,then they will have to look for employment else where?

You can’t guarantee anything what is you do again ?

Sad mean people who have no other way of getting a little attention ignore them .

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30,000 care home workers got fired remember. First you will see the “great resignation” its coming !

What threat to anyone is an unvaccinated person ?

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Was that because they didn’t take the vaccine?

If it was, then I’m sorry they should be fired, you cannot put the elderly and vulnerable at risk like that, I help a 91 year old out, her family wouldn’t let me near her unless I’d had all 3 jabs.