The Lancet Scolds Those Claiming a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated

I dont put any store in your articles and un fortunately you have no more idea than fly about natural immunity .I prefer like most sensible people to take advice from medical professionals .

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Ermā€¦There are over 300,000 nurses working in the NHS, god only knows how many care workers. So 1500 mortalities seems quite a low number considering that nurses and care workers are on the front linesā€¦

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You only heard that from a government that are trying to get you to have the vaccine Muddy. Most proper vaccines last a lifetime, and so does natural immunity. The body never forgets.

Chris Whitty, the government and the BBC are a very blinkered example of ā€˜Medical Professionalā€™ Muddy. And they have a vested interest in getting you to have the vaccineā€¦
They donā€™t really care about your health, just from stopping you from overwhelming the NHS, it looks bad on their recordā€¦

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@OldGreyFox ā€¦ I know itā€™s a relatively small percentage of the entire NHS workforce Foxy ā€¦ I was just making a point to Breadhead who claimed no health worker had died of covid, only with covid.

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I completely agree with you OGF, and I have had two vaccines and a booster.

Bearing in mind that the government is biased and that Boris has lied to us, it doesnā€™t surprise me one bit that they are trying to gloss over - or hide - the difference between dying with Covid and dying of Covid.

I also believe that natural immunity exists with many, if not all viruses and that in time all variants of Covid will become as unimportant as flu, if they are not already so, and that people will simply take to their beds for a few days and get better on their own.
Yes, some people do die of flu, and always have done, but these are usually people with existing weaknesses or other illnesses.

Time will tell.

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If you believe that why did you bother to take three jabs ? They could have been sent to some poor country instead?

You know that do you ? How?
Some vaccines last a life time some donā€™t and natural immunity doesnā€™t either in some viruses. Covid is one of these so I would get yours pdq Foxy you have had one lucky escape donā€™t temp providence .

Iā€™m not sure I get your point here Foxy ā€¦ of course the government want to stop us overwhelming the NHS ā€¦ are you saying thatā€™s not important?

The state of the nations health and the state of the NHS are pretty indivisible right now and are one and the same thing.

Iā€™m right though arenā€™t I

Thatā€™s the point isnā€™t it.

Because not all vaccines are the same. If youā€™d read up on them you would already know.

Because I donā€™t want to take any chances.
Did I say that we shouldnā€™t have the vaccines?
Iā€™m simply pointing out that I believe that natural immunity will also play a part in overcoming Covid.
I also had a flu jab, again just in case.

As I tried to point out, I believe that when all the shouting and screaming has died down, Covid will have become just another ā€˜fluā€™ and will be treated in the same way: annual jabs for those who want them and, should anyone succumb they might well just take to their beds until they feel better.

I hope I have answered your question, Muddy.

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I think the best thing the government could do to improve the state of the NHS would be to increase the number of doctors (partly by reinstating the number of MbChB training courses at British universities) and other medical and paramedical staff, and reducing the number of senior managers to save money.
They could also help a great deal by removing the thousands of illegal immigrants who have been coming here over the past years and deterring any more chancers.

Privatise it

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Seriously, thatā€™s probably the future of the NHS.

It is said that where America goes, the UK follows. I can see it coming. Compulsory health insurance. Those who take it out (and can afford it) obtain superior healthcare. Those who donā€™t, or canā€™t, have to put up with substandard, just as I believe happens in America.

Itā€™s not necessarily substandard itā€™s just funded by the state instead of private insurance.

Looks like Johnson is going to get another rocket up his arse with the North Shropshire By Election results.


The thing is JBR that natural immunity is not reached without people dying.None of us want to be the ones who die gasping for air on a ventilator so it behoves us to help nature along by getting vaccinated .Glad to hear you have all yours up to date :slight_smile:

Health tourism costs hundreds of thousands a year no other country that I know allows this .

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It begs the question , yet again, why you had any vaccinations then.
Youā€™ve never answered that satisfactorily.
Presumably you felt there was some merit to it.

No need to answer and twist words as is your usual modus operandi because I shanā€™t reply ā€¦ I was just making an observation about the inconsistencies rife in your whole anti government and anti-vaccine standpoint.