The Humanitarian Crisis In Gaza đŸ‡”đŸ‡ž

UNWRA aid blocked

The head of the Palestinian refugee agency said on Sunday that Israel had informed the UN that it will no longer approve its convoys to the north of Gaza.


Some good news.USA didn’t veto the vote as they have done three times before.
Thanks to the good people of Michigan I think .Their uncommitted vote campaign showed Biden his approval of Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians could cost him his job.


Not so good news, apparently the Israelis have been told Biden is not changing course on Israel and views the resolution as non-binding – (something the US State Department said publicly after the vote as well.)
So spending millions of dollars to ensure you lose the upcoming election.


Shimon has lived in Gaza in the past and claims a God-given right to return.

“We must do it. It’s part of Israel area,” he says. “This is the land that God gave us, and you couldn’t go to God and tell him, ‘OK you gave me, and I gave to other people.’ No. I believe in the end we will go back to Gaza.”


Twelve people drowned trying to reach aid dropped by plane off a Gaza beach, Palestinian health authorities said on Tuesday.

Video of the airdrop obtained by Reuters showed crowds of people running towards the beach, in Beit Lahia in north Gaza, as crates with parachutes floated down. Bodies are then seen being pulled onto the sand.

It was the latest in a string of incidents involving deaths during aid deliveries in the crowded Palestinian enclave where some people are foraging for weeds to eat and baking barely edible bread from animal feed.
Aid agencies say only about a fifth of required supplies are entering Gaza as Israel persists with an air and ground offensive triggered by Hamas’ October 7 terrorist attack.


“Following nearly 6 months of unrelenting Israeli assault on occupied #Gaza, it is my solemn duty to report on the worst of what humanity is capable of & to present my findings: ‘the Anatomy of a Genocide’.” — Special Rapporteur




Human Rights Council.


The Palestinians who, most Israelis had concluded, could be caged like battery chickens indefinitely, and in ever-shrinking pens, are now viewed as monsters that have to be culled. That impulse was the genesis of Israel’s current genocidal plan for Gaza.

For 17 years, Gaza had gradually been strangled to death. Its population had tried peaceful protests at the militarised fence around their enclave and been picked off by Israeli snipers. The world had grown so used to Palestinian suffering, it had switched off.


No good just telling them,they don’t care.


The Biden administration in recent days quietly authorized the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to Israel despite Washington’s concerns about an anticipated military offensive in southern Gaza that could threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians.

The new arms packages include more than 1,800 MK84 2,000-pound bombs and 500 MK82 500-pound bombs, according to Pentagon and State Department officials familiar with the matter. The 2,000 pound bombs have been linked to previous mass-casualty events throughout Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. These officials, like some others, spoke to The Washington Post on the condition of anonymity because recent authorizations have not been disclosed publicly.

The development underscores that while rifts have emerged between the United States and Israel over the war’s conduct, the Biden administration views weapons transfers as off-limits when considering how to influence the actions of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“We have continued to support Israel’s right to defend itself,” said a White House official. “Conditioning aid has not been our policy.”

The 2,000 pound bombs, capable of leveling city blocks and leaving craters in the earth 40 feet across and larger, are almost never used anymore by Western militaries in densely populated locations due to the risk of civilian casualties.

Israel has used them extensively in Gaza, according to several reports, most notably in the bombing of Gaza’s Jabalya refugee camp Oct. 31. U.N. officials decried the strike, which killed more than 100 people, as a “disproportionate attack that could amount to war crimes.” Israel defended the bombing, saying it resulted in the death of a Hamas leader.

(Washington Post)


First, from October 7 on, Biden has repeatedly declared that America’s abiding “love affair” with Israel is sacrosanct even in the face of Netanyahu’s “unsparing belligerence” in Gaza, which is a polite euphemism for genocide.
All along, Biden – the self-proclaimed Zionist – has had one, overarching message for Netanyahu and friends: Please proceed.
Donald Trump looks poised, come November, to return to the White House. Then, the empty rhetorical spats will vanish, and Israel will be granted carte blanche to “reshape” Gaza and the occupied West Bank as it pleases.
There will be one state: a greater Israel. That is Netanyahu’s end game. Trump will say, “Aye, aye, sir!”, as will most Israelis, who have cheered on every malignant aspect of the still unfolding genocide.

The notion that there exists some grand plan in the offing – ready to be enacted whenever Israel’s killing rage ends – that respects the right of Palestinians to self-determination and recognises the territorial integrity of a Palestinian state is perhaps the grandest delusion of all.


The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) described the raid as one of the most successful operations of the nearly six-month war.


The Biden administration is close to approving the sale of as many as 50 American-made F-15 fighter jets to Israel, in a deal expected to be worth more than $18 billion, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The transaction, which would amount to the largest US foreign military sale to Israel since the country went to war with Hamas on October 7 , comes as the administration is also expected to notify Congress soon of a large new sale of precision-guided munitions kits to Israel, the people said.

The new sales of some of the US’ most sophisticated weaponry underscore the extent to which the US continues to support Israel militarily, even as Biden administration officials criticize Israel’s operations in Gaza, which have killed more than 32,000 Palestinians since October, according to the Gaza ministry of health.

Since Hamas’ attack on Israel in October, which killed over 1,200 Israelis, the US has made more than 100 foreign military sales to Israel. Most of those have fallen under the specific dollar amount that requires a notification to Congress, an official familiar with the matter previously told CNN.

But an $18 billion F-15 sale is large enough that it requires congressional notification, and the administration informally notified the House Foreign Affairs and Senate Foreign Relations committees of the F-15 sale in late January, according to two of the people familiar with the matter.


And so it goes on ,there will be strong words but no action.


“The IDF is escalating the situation and not solving it, and only making sure that more people get killed in this cycle of violence,” she says.

“I want the best for everyone and I’m doing it for the security of everyone and I’m doing it as an act of solidarity.”
When she finishes her prison term, the IDF can order her to present for military duty again.

If she refuses, she’ll likely face another jail sentence.

But Sofia is prepared and says she won’t stop resisting the Israeli law.

“I want to advance this peace, to show that this change is possible and it’s important to work for it,” she says.

"And for this, it’s important to me to come here and refuse, in solidarity and with empathy that is not limited by any nationality.

It does give some of us some hope that there are some decent Israelis.


But not that many.


Mr AndrĂ©s — whose charity has operated in several countries wracked by wars or natural disasters, including Israel after the attack that triggered the current conflict — said he was “heartbroken” by the deaths of his colleagues.

“The Israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. It needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers, and stop using food as a weapon,” he wrote on X, formerly Twitter.


The distance between each bombed WCK & the other shows beyond any doubt how the IDF took their time to deliberately & surgically eliminate the entire crew.

The 2nd car was bombed after it rescued the survivors of the 1st, & the 3rd after it rescued the survivors from the 2nd!

This is obviously a direct precision target by the IDF to scare off an aid organisation from working in Gaza.


But last week, the US State Department said Israel had provided Washington with assurances it wasn’t using American-supplied weapons in breach of international laws.

Laws need to be changed then.But of course Israel could be lying.