The Humanitarian Crisis In Gaza šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø

I am posting this thread for the humanitarian crisis that has been unfolding in Gaza due to Israelā€™s indiscriminate bombing/killing spree.

  • More than one million people have been displaced.
  • Itā€™s reported that, at the time of writing this, over 20,000 people have been murdered, half of which are children.

I will be using this thread to post links to humanitarian organisations and welcome others to as well should anyone want to.

As per the guidelines of this section please only take part in this thread if you support this humanitarian cause (there are plenty of debate threads to get involved with if thatā€™s what you like). Examples of what you can post in this thread include: support for the people of Gaza; links to humanitarian organisations; etc.


I donā€™t have all the stats in front of me but what i see on my news screen each day is what appears to be indiscrimate bombing of buildings which once housed people - i see people moving from the north to the south of gaza and still being bombed and given confusing and indiscriminate information concerning their safety.

there are obviously some rights and wrongs on both sides but all I see now is defenceless men women and children being bombarded unable to be safe and have no effective medical treatment centres in which to seek help. This is being played on our screens on a daily basis - it is a clear discrimination of a people who are innocent and an attack that does not discriminate against those who may not be guilty of any warfare and those who are. Others have described this approach as ā€˜carpet bombingā€™ and the world will not forget or forgive those responsible


I donate to these people.


The former grandeur of Gaza and its historical significance before its invasion


Steve Sosebee, President of the PCRF speaking:


Killing thousands of innocent adultsā€™ children and babies far far in access than the Israel population is not a rational nor humanistic reason for appearing to defend yourself. It is called ā€œinnapropriate and irrational revengeā€ and if the Israelis wish to be recognized with the rest of humanity as a caring and compassionate society that recognizes the rules of war and law and abides by the generally accepted conventions of at least the majority of civilizations then it has already exceeded this common huministic denominator which has been defined and accepted throught the world by major conventionall govts and international bodies.

In my own view Israel under the sick and maniacal orders of Netanyahu has far aceeded these parameters and therefore can only be painted with the same brush as they attempt to paint of whole of Gaza with. They can indeed be considered to be in access and far worst. This war should not be about ā€œyou hit me harder than I hit you and therefore I am entitled to wipe out your entire familyā€. You must be considered as barbaric as the Russians are being accused of in their war against Ukraine. If you want monies from the west and want to be in the same circles then act as the best in the west or in fact greater the entire international conventions!!


Israel first started bombing Palestinian homes in 1948.


the WHO latest report describe disaster and carnage in Gaza by Israeli forces for in access of any that Hamas unleached at the start of this conflict. Israeli is using unecessary and excessive force and is in breach of international guidelines when in conflict. IMO this is not an example of humanism but barbarism on a grand scale


Red Cross President:


Frustration and sadness from everyday folk:


The rest of our world should hang their head in shame? This scenario now brings back shadows of nazism during WWII and starving Jews in concentration camps. Yes there have been wrongs on both sides but this is now for Israel excessive and unecessary and they have become unable to show any humanity and the world will not forget I surely hope?

Pink Floydā€™s Roger Waters gets emotional talking about Israelā€™s atrocities in Palestineā€™s Gaza


This was carried out by the Irgun Zvai Leumi ,a Jewish right wing terror group.

ā€œIrgun committed acts of terrorism and assassination against the British, whom it regarded as illegal occupiers, and it was also violently anti-Arab. Irgun participated in the organization of illegal immigration into Palestine after the publication of the British White Paper on Palestine (1939), which severely limited immigration. Irgunā€™s violent activities led to execution of many of its members by the British; in retaliation, Irgun executed British army hostagesā€

ā€œOn July 22, 1946, Irgun blew up a wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 soldiers and civilians (British, Arab, and Jewish)ā€


Christopher Gunnes (UNRWA) breaks down in tears after 19 killed in attack on UN school in Gaza:


WASHINGTON, Dec 8 (Reuters) - The Biden administration has asked Congress to approve the sale of 45,000 shells for Israelā€™s Merkava tanks for use in its offensive against Hamas in Gaza, according to four sources familiar with the matter, including a U.S. official and a former U.S. official.

The request is being made even as concerns grow about the use of U.S. weapons in a war that has killed thousands of civilians in the Palestinian enclave since Israel responded to an attack on Oct. 7 by Hamas militants.

The potential sale, worth more than $500 million, is not part of President Joe Bidenā€™s $110.5 billion supplemental request that includes funding for Ukraine and Israel. It is under informal review by the Senate Foreign Relations and House of Representatives Foreign Affairs committees, which allows members the privilege to stall the sale, or have informal discussions with the administration about concerns.

The U.S. State Department is pushing the congressional committees to quickly approve the transaction, said a U.S. official and Josh Paul, a former State Department official, amid objections from rights advocates over the use of U.S.-made weapons in the conflict.


This may one day be describe as ā€œThe Sheer Hell Fuelled Furor of Uncontrollable revengeā€ Yes the world can acknowledge that Hamas attacked party goers and families ; women and children. This was of course unacceptable. However the revenge of Israel is cataclysmic - out of Hell - we will kill all Gazans men; women and children either innocent or guilty - this is more sinister than Hitler. You will go way down in history Israel as not the people of God but of Satan. You have become a people once of God now turned away and willing to destroy as much of Arab nations as possible - aided of course by the USA and a few more tithering nations