The good news and positivity thread


Great fun littlelies, they keep you young

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Congratulations to you and your wife, Hedgehopper…. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh yes they do. my little Tilly is a pure joy and light of my life. with another on the way i’ll have to turn the disused box room into a nursery for the infant.

Ooo.congrat’s Old Boy so nice to see such lovely news :smiley:

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Congratulations on the news!

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Since my frightning hospital experience I now think of those that allowed me to live longer (ie surgeon) I try to see the lighter “funnier"side of life. Doesn’t occassionaly work. One has to avoid serious subjects such as “why is the sky so high” for example when the simple answer is “So birds don’t bump their heads”
Or “which end of a worm is the head” best way to find out is " trickle it in the middle and see which end laughs”


Or to work out the simple solution of how long is a piece of string ?,twice as long as the middle to one end, simples.