The good news and positivity thread

Oh that is indeed good news - enjoy your little windfall Dianne :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Today the supermarket shelves were full when I did my shopping and then I filled the car up with petrol without any queueing or problems.


I went to the supermarket and never noticed any empty shelves, I got what I needed.

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It’s raining here in the Weald which means my water butts are filling up nicely and the bulbs etc recently planted will get a drink with the added bonus that the neighbours cats (4) won’t be using my garden as a loo for a while. Win, win. :+1: :smiley:

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Hi Everyone

So my good news isn’t really about me it’s about someone else ( But I am off today so that’s good news for me ).

I spent the morning helping one of my elderly neighbours setting up her first smart phone,whattsapp,emails,Facebook accounts etc,her old laptop was so heavy and ancient she had trouble picking it up due to her arthritis

Her kids live miles away so they ordered the phone from Amazon to be delivered to her as they could’nt make it down themselves.
It was just a joy to help her make her first Whattaspp video call and for her to see her kids and grandkids and being on the internet it won’t cost her a fortune.

So yes I’ve had a great day helping someone else and I managed to get some petrol on my way home from my night shift.


Double good news with two achievements then which is good news indeed.

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My good news is, Anne,one of my neighbours phoned me yesterday with great news, that my dear friend of a neighbour Rita is out of hospital, she had a stroke 3 weeks ago, she left a message on my answerphone saying that she had just been to see Rita who is 81 years young, saying you would never have known she’d had a stroke, how great is that, I really missed her as she often called me round for a latte,…hoping to pop round sometime today to give her a great Big Hug!!:heartpulse::heartpulse:


I got builders in place…at last. Your can’t imagine what a relief that is.

Other good news my little grandson Stanley aged 3 face timed me yesterday to show me his new haircut …its very nice…yup doting grandma here :slight_smile:


I’m pleased to see that you’ve got builders arranged because I know how difficult that can be just now - and does this mean that we can look forward to more lovely photo’s too?
Another double good news with Stanley - and I do like that name BTW.

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We had to rescue the daughters car from Cardiff back in May, she’d not driven over the winter with being able to walk to work, why she didn’t sell it then lord knows, any how after much faffing and a couple of parts,(electronics were dodgy) its up and running like a good one, 12 months mot and managed to sell it yesterday.


the good news is my husbands car has passed its MOT today after sitting Idle for 7 months since he passed away , and my son is now proud owner .


My good news is Mr Mags and I had both our Booster and Flu jabs this morning ……. :grinning:


Well done Mags! They have had to put my Flu jab back a week as they have run out of the over 65 jabs!
I haven’t heard anything about a booster jab , so i will wait till somebody contacts me!

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What a shame Twink, I hope you won’t have to wait too long for the booster.

I will ask my doctor if I don’t hear from them, but perhaps they are doing these boosters for the oldest first, as they did with the original jabs.

We have to have gap of 6 months after the 2nd Covid Vaccine,then the booster can be done.
We received by post our Prescriptions for the Flu Jab, available to have from the 23 rd October…last year there was none available for most people in France…
Looking forward to this evening, the small Log Burner will have it’s first firing…could be back in shorts by 20.00.


Today’s weather
:sunny::sun_behind_small_cloud: :sunny: :sun_behind_small_cloud: :sunny: :sun_behind_small_cloud: :sunny: :sun_behind_small_cloud: :sunny:
No brolly required


While hanging out the washing a moment ago I spied 3 strawberries that had survived the heavy rain…
…they were delicious… :smiley:


I’m jealous!!

have a log burner…they have to be fitted by a registered fitter here so I’ve had to wait since last March when I bought it because the fitters are so busy…its due to be fitted in a couple of weeks…can’t wait

The good news this morning is, I’m about to leave to go to the centre where we hold our church, I haven’t seen my brothers and sisters in Christ for over a year,( some of them)…so really looking forward to that as well as being fed the word by our pastor,:pray: