The Gardening Year 2014

Yes Plantman - especially the greenfly in my garden! Everytime I think I’ve got rid of them, new ones have settled. I’ve never had such a bad problem with them before.

Barry :slight_smile: I put my beans out this morning expecting rain later and a mild week giving them a good chance to get established :slight_smile:
Because I only grow one row of beans I had a lot left so planted those in pots last week as insurance against frost.

Yes Meg that’s a good idea, but I always plant a second seed at the side of each cane at the same time as I plant the seedlings anyway to give a succession of beans later on, so they give me an insurance against losing the first ones to frost,let’s just hope we don’t need them though …:wink:

Nothing to do with our gardening but just an item I read that tickled me.

B&Q recalled all their mole catchers in Ireland…because they were faulty??

No, because there aren’t any moles in Ireland :lol: :lol: :lol:

Could we send them some of ours ? Half the population from the area alongside the A307 in Fairmile would not be missed

Went for a stroll round the estate this morning.:slight_smile:
I was expecting a lot of wind damage but not too bad at all.

We have several lillies in pots, that I have been checking for the dreaded red lily beetle. Yesterday I found a dozen of the blighters, which I squashed and today just one.
Any one else found any? Was thinking of making up a garlic
spray, isn’t that supposed to repel them?

Not found any as yet but last year by the time I did find them, it was too late …I have lilies in the garden I think they’re attacked as soon as they emerge…garlic may be a good idea, certainly a strong scent may ‘move’ them somewhere else, next door maybe?!

Wal has just said he read an article about red lily beetle today - boil up a garlic and add washing up liquid :smiley:
So garlic wasn’t a bad idea after all :wink:
Going to have a lovely smelly garden :lol:

Oh, I’m glad you’re not my neighbour!!! :wink: :slight_smile:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just when I was feeling pleased that I was actually going to have some gooseberries on my one bush this year I notice the sawfly caterpillars have arrived and are busy stripping all the leaves :twisted: I spent ages this afternoon with a pair of tweezers picking them off not an easy task because they are the same colour as the leaves and blend in so well.

Funny you should say that Janela, I use Garlic with baby shampoo, and yes, it does pong, but the smell wears off after a while.
Ages ago I read somewhere about the baby shampoo having more beneficial ingredients than washing up liquid, but can’t remember all the details properly now.

We have a cheap shop like a £pound shop a couple of miles away and I’m going to buy baby shampoo from them when we get there (probably next week), thanks Mups.:slight_smile:

Sorry to hear about the gooseberry bush Meg!:frowning:
We found an infestation of blackfly? on our blackberry bush, looked disgusting, it had shrivelled all the leaves, no signs of fruit or a decent leaf, so Wal gave it the ‘chelsea chop’ this morning.
I hope it pulls through. (fingers crossed emoticon needed :wink: )

My two gooseberry bushes are laden with fruit ( one was supposed to be red berries - they are both green :frowning: ) I even took two cuttings from the ‘red’ one to give to my daughter and dil - I don’t think they’ll want them :slight_smile:

The new strawberries we planted Malling Centenary, which is a new variety, have lovely big conical fruit and are ripening :smiley:

My one dismal failure - kale :frowning:
Planted a dozen and have one left! They were planted next to the old strawberries and in between the gooseberries - everything covered in netting, so it wasn’t birds :confused: must have been slugs or snails :frowning: :twisted:

We had our first new spuds from the garden today, and very nice they were too. :slight_smile:

My gooseberries are laden with fruit as well Jan and virtually ready to pick, and the loganberries, blackberries and blackcurrants are looking right off the scale for quantity, in fact I’ve a feeling that I’m going to run out of people to give fruit away to this year even after I’ve filled the freezers…:shock:

I’m going to dig up a root of spuds tomorrow Barry. Like you my gooseberries are looking good. I discovered blackfly on the broad beans today so I’ll be spraying tomorrow. I did nip out the tips but the little black devils managed to take hold.

There seems to be a plague of blackfly this year and not many ladybirds about - the ants are vigorously farming them :frowning:
I found two harlequin and disposed of them :surprised:

I picked a large gooseberry but it was quite bitter still … not sure how long it will be.:confused:
The blackcurrent bush is surviving after Wal gave it a chop, it was badly infested but I’m glad to see it shooting, must remember to spray it early next year!
The Malling strawberry had five ripe fruits, so I picked them this morning, they will be eaten later - looking forward to them, I understand it is the choice of variety for Wimbledon this year :cool:

We ate our Malling strawberries last night, along with a dozen from the old plants. There was no comparison, the Malling was dark, shiny and a lovely flavor, I highly recommend them. We will be potting up the runners and phasing out the old ones, that we’ll use for jam.

Pah! My gooseberry plants didn’t like being neglected while I was away and I have…ONE gooseberry! Better luck next year :slight_smile:

Had the first of my strawberries today :slight_smile: ‘Mara de Bois’ . They are perpetual and go on fruiting until autumn providing you keep picking them :slight_smile: