The Gardening Year 2014

My camellia has not opened yet and not sure it will have many flowers when it does. Strange because I look after it but my soil is sandy, is that no good I wonder?
A tub may be better…

Think you’ve hit the nail on the head cranberry. They have to have ericaceous compost, and an ericaceous feed to thrive and flower well.

Havent bought anything new for the garden this year so far, but the ones I put in last year are flowering quite nicely, every time I walk down the garden something catches my eye, and yes there is another flower popping its head through.

The Roses have lots of new shoots on them cannot wait for them to flower.

We haven’t bought anything either Shirley.
I have a lot of pansy and primrose seedlings that I started off in autumn, on a bench by the side of the greenhouse - all seeds taken from last years plants.
I’m pretty chuffed with them all.
I bought a white grape hyacinth last year, there are leaves but no flowers. Very disappointed.

I found two flowers on my white grape hyacinth today:-D.

Weeded and hoed around the onions and strawberries and did watering and feeding in the greenhouse.
We untangled a rambling rose and clematis (have the scratches to prove it :lol:) now the clematis is over the arch, where it should be! Snapped a piece of each, so they are now cuttings ;-).
The garlic bed will hopefully be hoed and weeded tomorrow.

I’ve marked (in my head) which plants need moving or splitting up and we’ve decided to buy in more hellebores to make a bigger patch of them.
All in all, it was a good day.

Aah, will pot it up then cos it’s not much to look at with no flowers. Thank you Mups. :slight_smile:

Had a wander round my fruit bushes and trees this afternoon.
The strawberries are flowering their heads off, we have lots of small gooseberries and cherries too.
Can’t wait to harvest.

The tomatoes are ready to plant out but I’ve got to make room between the onions … I did notice a few tomato seedlings by the garlic … last years cherry toms.:wink:

Janela :slight_smile: it looks like my one gooseberry and blackcurrant bush will both have a nice bit of fruit this year judging by the blossoms.
The garlic is doing really well and the new rasberrry canes are growing too…

Very disappointed to find our new raspberry canes are dead.:frowning: I didn’t think to look for them the other day but was showing Wal the gooseberries and he noticed.
I think we will buying more :slight_smile:
The elephant garlic had a couple of flowers, which I snipped off and put in todays stir fry…and so it all starts :smiley:

I also picked the last two pink parrot tulips and a couple of purple ones for a vase in the kitchen.

We are way behind with the garden this year due to having a new kitchen installed, but we do have tomatoes ( 3 varieties) and cues coming along nicely in greenhouse. Spuds too are growing fast in the barrels. Hopefully this weekend with we can get other stuff planted in our raised bed.

Happy gardening folks :slight_smile:

Janela :slight_smile: I spent a fortune on raspberry canes from garden centers in the last two years first Glen Ample which never got going at all then Glen Lyon, miserable looking things so I pulled them up recently and bought some health and vigorous looking Tulameleen from B&Q and they are doing well so far.

Thanks for the heads up Meg, we’ll go there.:slight_smile:

Today we spent some long overdue time in the garden and greenhouse. Toms are potted on as are cues. New seeds sown in the greenhouse are more cues, courgettes, sprouts and skinny beans. Outside in the raised bed we have sown, parsnips, carrots and spinach.

Felt so good to be out there getting mucky :slight_smile:

Thinking of starting a few runner beans off in pots shortly. I wasn’t sure I wanted the extra work this year, but I do love to pick them and cook them fresh. I haven’t room for a veg patch in this garden, so any veg I do grow e.g. carrots, beans, have to be grown in tubs and need a lot of watering and feeding.

Mups :slight_smile: I have some beans in a tub now about 4inches high. I wrap a polyethene sleeve around them at night .
My neighbour had some in a tub last year and they did really well.
The row of beans will go in later.

Were they alright with the frosts the last couple of nights Meg?

we missed our allotment when we had to give it up.
our garden is all screed and paved. but we grow, spuds, carrots, runner beans, broad beans, tomatoes, peppers, Cukes, raspberries,gooseberries, blueberries and two miniature apple trees all in tubs!
the problem is keeping the soil enriched and having to bag it up every coupla years and getting it to the tip!

all our outside stuff is covered with fleece at the moment.

Yes Mups :slight_smile: there are canes on the edge of the tub and I wrap thick polythene around it at night and secure it with strong plastic clothes pegs .

…that is good Purdy :slight_smile: it’s amazing what can be grown in tubs.

Against my own best advice I planted my beans out yesterday, they really have to take their chances now otherwise they would have become pot bound. Hopefully we have finished with the hard frosts now but I can always fleece them over if one is forecast.

I must say it is proving to be a splendid spring in the garden this year, everything seems to be thriving and all of my fruit has now set including the plums, which we lost last year because of the prolonged cold…:slight_smile: