The Garden Of Earthly Delights

My bad.

Iā€™m not sure ā€¦ the Church was to be feared then. Would it win him brownie points if he was portraying hellfire and brimstone.
Iā€™ve no idea who his patrons were, if he had any ā€¦ most artists. musicians or ā€˜learnedā€™ men couldnā€™t survive without powerful protection back in those grisly days.

It seems Iā€™ve roped myself into embarking on a major exercise in study by starting this thread. :nerd_face:

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he had many commissions. Seemed successful compared to some artists of the time.

Serves you right ā€¦ never let it be said that itā€™s not educational on here.

I was clever. I just sat back and admired you. :grin:


Art history is a fascinating topic if you have the time. I mean in those days people didnā€™t have any other way to express their politics than by covert symbols in art work. Saying it out loud was a death sentence. We have it so easy now.


Here we go ā€¦ we can all get our teeth into this ā€¦

15 Things You Should Know About The Garden of Earthly Delights

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Or vice versaā€¦ artists had to conform to the prescribed religious icons.
Either way ā€¦ some of the art is rather beautiful

Iā€™m quite taken aback at the interest this thread has provoked. And to think I almost opted for a thread about my favourite washing up liquid. :001:


Oh I do love your droll humour.
I was just about to post and tell you to start more threads like these ā€¦ Theyā€™re certainly different and make a nice change. Itā€™s been one of the most interesting for a long while.
So is the one about Churches and Graveyards.
Oh, and I would have said Fairy Liquid but it always makes Mr M sneeze.


Well I guess thatā€™s my Monday spoken for. :frowning:

Not wishing to derail the thread, but what is your favourite washing up liquid? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wink:

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:thinking: :zipper_mouth_face:

Well one does what one can to maintain standards, Morticia. :face_with_monocle:

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None, actually. Washing up liquid makes a terrible mess of my hands; they go very dry and cracked. I have to wear rubber gloves. :gloves: :gloves:

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E45 cream Harbal ā€¦ wonderful stuff ā€¦ for hands that do dishes ā€¦

I wonder what happens if you put washing up liquid into the washing machineā€¦

A helluva lot of suds?

a bit like that trick with coke and menthos mints?

Oh ā€¦ whatā€™s that one? Never heard of that.