The frozen planet

As a wild initial guess, I’d imagine that large animals require large quantities of food which wasn’t available in bulk anymore.

Mammals come, and mammals go Dex, weather patterns change which makes places inhabitable for even us. I suspect that we might be next on the hit list…
But as an aside…Most of the mammals on this picture are still alive and well…Survival of the fittest…

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@OldGreyFox , AHH but ! When the hunter gatherers became farmers is when
things went wrong , land was cleared, fences were erected , fields were deep
ploughed etc!etc!( exactly what is going on inthe Amazon right now!)
People stopped wandering around, to tend their farms ! And started living in
large communities for security reasons, these became the cities we have now !
Regarding the paper industry, Besoeker is correct, paper is made mostly from
pine trees, in a properly run forest new types of pine can reach maturity in
10yrs, this means that two trees can be grown where only one grew before !
So the paper industry is not to blame for deforestation.What it can be blamed for
is the replacing of indigenous trees with pine ?
Furniture, Farming and house building are the real culprits! OH yes, and now
Forest fires ! :worried::worried::worried:

Apparently following an asteroid strike with such velocity, would have plunged the earth into darkness for months due to the debris released into the atmosphere. Nothing would have grown. Wait a minute…I can see the sky now, nature must have put things right…But I hear on the BBC we are heading for an armageddon after burning so much fossil fuel…

Foxy we weren’t around at the time of the dinosaurs .
We had yet to climb out of the primordial slime .
The asteroid probably did kill off most of the mammals except those that lived in burrows or in the sea . These survived the initial heat storm and the following global winter . They developed into the mammals we know today .

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Actually paper IS responsible for a huge percentage of deforestation.
The global population use a massive amount of paper everyday .

Maybe in a few more million years, some other creature will dig up the detritus of the world we live in and make a curious use of it. But in the meantime, surely it makes sense to at least try to ensure that what we do does as little harm as possible to our own survival as a species?

Far worse is the fashion industry, they use more water and create more pollution than any other industrial process.

I agree it’s bad but they don’t use trees .

The people who can make a difference won’t, and the people who are doing something aren’t making a difference. Where do you start telling the next generations that they can’t have a house or use energy…Wait a minute… :017:

It makes no sense for anyone to condemn their own futures for a fast buck now. There’s no point creating a legacy if nobody will be around to see it.

That’s because the people that matter know that the human race is not doomed, but they need to convince us that it is…How else will they get us to be compliant.

Your logic is eluding me I’m afraid Foxy. We’ve been through this before and I didn’t really understand then either, and we’d agreed to differ. Maybe its best left until your 51st anniversary, and we’ll bash it out and put it to bed for once and for all? :blush::wink:

We can all make a difference .
It’s no use shifting responsibility on anyone else we must all do our bit now .
I have been trying to do this for years in small ways ie no using plastic bags and I do not have a tumble dryer . On the other hand I travel which is not eco friendly .
Still I try and will try harder in the future .

Who are ‘the people ‘ ?
No one knows if or not the human race is doomed but some people have a pretty good idea .

@Muddy , " l don’t use plastic bags"
What DO you use then muddy !!
Paper? That’s not newsprint !
At least paper is bio-degradeable and causes no pollution, unlike plastic ?

@Muddy , “who are the people”
I suppose OGF means the people that gather at Davos every year to
discuss how they want the world to change in the next year Muddy ?

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For years I just used cardboard boxes from the super market .
Then there are these things called shopping bags ……

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Paper mills are soft weeds. Deforestation is hardwoods.

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Recycled for the most part.