Somebody already knows what they’re getting for Christmas…
Not my cat by the way copied from another forum.
Somebody already knows what they’re getting for Christmas…
Not my cat by the way copied from another forum.
Definitely CATitude, Foxy, I know that look so well! Maddie was a gorgeous puss.
Thanks Tabby.
I’ve never, not had a cat for more than a year or two, and Maddie was unique…
I know what you mean. We’ve had cats since we were married… well, since we came back to the UK. Even I get very upset when one of them dies, even our last one who lived to the ripe old age of 21. You’d think we’d get used to it by now, but we never do.
Spotted Buttons sheltering from the rain under my bench so invited him in for some treats and a nap.
Felix and Buttons have appeared this morning.
Felix in the catnip planter though this is not the season for it.
Buttons on shed roof with some treats.
Not forgetting Felix of course.
Buttons turn for the catnip.
These two used to scrap but toleration is the name of the game now.
Lovely cats everyone, I don’t have one because hubby is nervous around them, but I did in the past. I once had a Cornish Rex, lovely cats.
Look - my two are quite excited by the thought it might have stopped raining!
Never seen such excited cats.
Those baskets look perfectly cat-shaped and just the job. Where did you get them?
Our cats like to sleep either on Marge’s armchair or in a cardboard box.
I bought them in Wilkinson’s, JBR, and the cats love them - probably because they are quite soft and flexible so - whichever way the cats choose to lie - they are always cosy!
Yes, and the shape I think is attractive to them. Our cats often, when the weather is warm, lie in a large plant pot in the conservatory and it seems to be just the right size for them (one at a time), so I’ve concluded that they find the circular shape ideally suited to them.
What a handsome fellow Felix is, spotted him watching some pigeons avail themselves of some seed I put down earlier. He allowed me to stroke him today which is a nice step.
This is his ‘I am pretending you have not got a bag of treats in your hand’ pose.