Thank goodness for having a dashcam

Transfering the coordinates to Google maps is a clever idea isn’t it? My Garmin has a similar app though apart from when I first got it I haven’t used it. My sat nav records the the same information and I don’t have to share the info with Mr Google (or the satnav manufacturer.

I always obey the speed limit especially in heavy traffic - 100kph in this case driving near Stonehenge :slight_smile:

Nice music.

The car went to be accessed for damage today. told needed new front bumper and lower grill, new chrome strip and new number plate , the guy puhed the bumper back to get it to fit better for a time.
At least it is driveable

Like others, I’ve had a dashcam for many years.

You have to remember that “everything” gets recorded, including your speed, any conversation you were in the middle of, any swearing you did, plus the thing that can catch you out, did you remember to change the clock times, annually , as a wrong date/time can wreck your evidence!


we have sound switched off and the time auto changes.

True. I never went forward to BST.
Even so, if there is evidence of some wrongdoing on ‘film’.
If that shows someone driving dangerously, I don’t think the wrong time will allow them to get out of it.
Registration plates are more important than time, and if it’s indicated as one hour behind the actual time, I’m sure they would accept my excuse if I apprised them of my time setting beforehand.

I think mine is still on.
Further to my last post, I think if a court hears me Fing and Blinding at an idiot will not negate the evidence. Some will actually find it quite funny too - an unintended overreaction!

I am not sure turning the sound off is a good idea. Number plates are not always clear at speed so reading them out loud ensures they are recorded with the video.