Telepathy - do you think it is possible?

Oh that’s really lovely

Not intentionally Longdogs and a fine example of this would be:-

I don’t believe in ghosts, however, I do believe a person can involuntary transmit vibes that other people can pick up on. Hence the reason why several people can experience the same image/sensation when in a group. Mass hysteria is also another example of how thoughts can be transmitted to whole groups of people.

Why do we blame the supernatural when we don’t even know what our brains are capable of…

I’m heading for bed ( long week ) but just saw your ghost comment and whilst I’d like to think I’m a logical level headed non religious ordinary guy , having lived with a ghost some 8 years or so … daughters , friends etc many many times witnessing occurrences ( I could write a book about the sightings /happenings) I’d just like to say before this I too would have said no such things as ghosts … today however I KNOW SOMETHING EXISTS and for want of a better word il call her a ghost and she was very very real

I sometimes wonder if the lost parts of our minds are more active when we are asleep?

Particularly in the early days. Mrs LD would say 'You know that… and I would finish the sentence off.

Is it possible to mistake schizophrenia for telepathy, I hear you ask…

Mmm Good question. All I know is, I feel I have spoken to someone once and it’s more of a connection than a voice… or it could all have been a dream.

Of course I do. It’s called the 6th sense.
Most people don’t use it so don’t believe in it either but it exists
Animals still use it. It’s their natural intuition

Great post.

But that’s nothing to do with telepathy is it?
That’s just weird uncanny coincidence… I’ve got two recent examples of that which would make your hair stand on end!

I believe that too Bratti

I know you do!

Just kidding:044:

Marmaduke, I don’t doubt you at all.
I have said before on this forum, the ‘doubters’ and ‘disbelievers’ are the people who have had no personal experience.

I agree Bratti, and I said much the same on page 2.
The animals have to find other ways to communicate, so that is proof it is possible.

I do believe we have lost much of our original instincts because of the technical, material world we now live in.

If computers, smartphones, writing ability, speech etc were all forbidden long enough, other ways of communicating would eventually come back.

I agree that animals still use it, I’m sure my cats do.

Much like school kids…
Unless you have your wits about you!
They hunt in packs:mrgreen:

I can only think back to when I was a school kid and yes, I know what you mean.

This is now getting interesting. Of course, we have it, we must have had it before speech. I actually did a test on this a few years back, there was one person that I got everything right on what he was viewing in a separate room!!! The class actually called me a witch!!!

Cats are experts at telepathy!

We are all born able to do it - just as we are all born with a 6th sense but, as the saying goes, if you don’t use it - you lose it!

My cat saw a ghost once…I told the story here before she really did see it and she allerted me to it too…I couldn’t see it but I felt it…it was there.

I once had the urge to ring a pal…it seemed really urgent to me that I must ring her right away when she answered she was in the hospital and had just been told her husband was near death…he had always wanted to die at home but the hospital would not discharge him or organise an ambulance to take him home…I listened to her as she cried and we talked it through…in the end she bundled him into a wheelchair got him into her car and he died at home surrounded by his family later that night. She still talks about me calling her just when she needed the strength to see it through.