20 July 2021 19:31
I think that’s so cool Roxy
20 July 2021 19:32
I’m tolerant. I didn’t say a word
20 July 2021 19:34
I was watching some muslims celebrate ‘Eid Mubarak’ (I think it was) on the lunchtime news. They were praying together and then socialising and eating together, and I was envious of their community spirit. That used to be us once upon a time, and now we keep ourselves to ourselves and rarely interact with our neighbours…
Well, as long as it’s not the neighbours wife, you should be good
20 July 2021 19:35
I was watching some muslims celebrate ‘Eid Mubarak’ (I think it was) on the lunchtime news. They were praying together and then socialising and eating together, and I was envious of their community spirit. That used to be us once upon a time, and now we keep ourselves to ourselves and rarely interact with our neighbours…
I don’t believe in stereotyping either Bratti
Find my tattoo.
That was a general invitation, Minx, before you remind me that you are not the one for me.
20 July 2021 19:36
I wanted to get a watch tattooed in my left wrist.
The artist said he couldn’t do the tick.
So, I’d have to pay full price!
But I do wonder why more people don’t go for the tattoo version which only lasts 6 months?
Have you seen my neighbours wife…:shock:
The Covid vaccine is a response to an immediate and particular crisis. What happens later is something that will be dealt with if and when necessary. all your what-ifs sound a bit like empty excuses. I’m sure you take precautions not to get run over by the number 9 bus, don’t you. I mean if you saw it coming, you would surely make sure you weren’t in its path.
I’m just playing Devil’s advocate, Foxy; I don’t have an issue with your decision.
I also take precautions not to catch Covid, it’s just that the vaccine isn’t one of them…
I do appreciate your input Harbal…
20 July 2021 20:47
I’m truly sorry Harbal I didn’t realise I was doing that
My bad:-(
Thank you OGF. It’s the best decision we ever made.
From everything I’ve read that you’ve ever written, you sound like a well adjusted person who loves life. You are very active and enjoy many outdoor activities. Don’t you wave or nod to other joggers, walkers, bikers etc. That’s a form of socializing. It isn’t as intimate as you might prefer but it can be a lot of fun.
When we go out boating we wave at other boaters going by.
We view it as a social activity. It’s just not as intimate which is ok. You just have to find your new norm and be ok with it.
Things ARE getting better. This was a HUGE wake up call to the entire world to wake up and enjoy every single moment cause life is precious. Suddenly life’s simplest pleasures are precious.
They always were. I think we got spoiled by technology and began thinking we were invincible.
You aren’t too bad off. We both have lots to be grateful for and I bet those church Christmas’s are going to get more pleasurable which is awesome.
My attitude is very similar to yours. Except for moving and my husband retiring, our lifestyle didn’t change much due to Covid so we weren’t as affected as most. Then again, most of what we do didn’t require the need for others and still doesn’t.
Like yourself, I’m ok to meet my maker. I’m not afraid of death.
I’m afraid of wasting a life worrying about all the what if’s….
Soak it all up Mr. Fox! Why change now. You’ve got this.
Thanks Bratti, you write a good post… …I do have an infinity with all runners, and I wave to boat people passing by on the canal, but I meant ‘we’ as a community, and it doesn’t seem as close as it was when I was a boy. Religion and the local pub have been replaced with TV and the internet…
I’m sorry for going off topic Minx…
20 July 2021 20:49
I wanted to get a watch tattooed in my left wrist.
The artist said he couldn’t do the tick.
So, I’d have to pay full price!
But I do wonder why more people don’t go for the tattoo version which only lasts 6 months?
Did you go through with it?
Honestly, Foxy, I don’t think you should do anything you don’t want to do. I almost didn’t have the vaccine because of my fear of needles, and that would have been harder to justify than your reason. quite pathetic, really.
I don’t think so, Minx. I don’t see any evidence of an ounce of bad in you.
I wouldn’t mind tattooed eyeliner but l am not a big fan of tattoos.
My son has them up his arm and down his back. He got them done in Thailand because they were cheaper there for a good job.
My grandson has the same type of tattoos.
One of my four daughters confessed she had a tiny tattoo on her upper back. It was her fiancés first name in Japanese. He had her name done the same on his back! … l know… shakes head…
What can you say though, it’s their bodies.
As a small girl Sue wated a tattoo of a PUG on her stomach. Her mum prevented it as Sue was told when she grows up it will become a SHAI PEI
Look them up to get the joke if you don’t know
I wouldn’t mind tattooed eyeliner but l am not a big fan of tattoos.
My son has them up his arm and down his back. He got them done in Thailand because they were cheaper there for a good job.
My grandson has the same type of tattoos.
One of my four daughters confessed she had a tiny tattoo on her upper back. It was her fiancés first name in Japanese. He had her name done the same on his back! … l know… shakes head…
What can you say though, it’s their bodies.
Whoa! Wait! What? One of your 4 daughters AND your son?
That’s a lot of kids.
Yes well… l don’t know how it happened… there’s lots of gooseberry bushes in my garden!
21 July 2021 08:25
I was too late, getting there, Minx!
13 August 2021 00:33
Oi tink oive got one on me bum - but oive haven’t seen it for year?