Tattoos - do you have any?

I think that’s so cool Roxy :cool:

I’m tolerant. I didn’t say a word :wink:

Well, as long as it’s not the neighbours wife, you should be good

I don’t believe in stereotyping either Bratti

Find my tattoo. :001:

That was a general invitation, Minx, before you remind me that you are not the one for me. :cool:

I wanted to get a watch tattooed in my left wrist.

The artist said he couldn’t do the tick.

So, I’d have to pay full price!

But I do wonder why more people don’t go for the tattoo version which only lasts 6 months?


Have you seen my neighbours wife…:shock:

I also take precautions not to catch Covid, it’s just that the vaccine isn’t one of them…
I do appreciate your input Harbal…:wink:

I’m truly sorry Harbal I didn’t realise I was doing that :049:
My bad:-(

Thanks Bratti, you write a good post…:023:…I do have an infinity with all runners, and I wave to boat people passing by on the canal, but I meant ‘we’ as a community, and it doesn’t seem as close as it was when I was a boy. Religion and the local pub have been replaced with TV and the internet…:frowning:
I’m sorry for going off topic Minx…:blush:

Did you go through with it?

That young hey :wink:

Honestly, Foxy, I don’t think you should do anything you don’t want to do. I almost didn’t have the vaccine because of my fear of needles, and that would have been harder to justify than your reason. quite pathetic, really.

I don’t think so, Minx. I don’t see any evidence of an ounce of bad in you. :001:

I wouldn’t mind tattooed eyeliner but l am not a big fan of tattoos.

My son has them up his arm and down his back. He got them done in Thailand because they were cheaper there for a good job.
My grandson has the same type of tattoos.
One of my four daughters confessed she had a tiny tattoo on her upper back. It was her fiancés first name in Japanese. He had her name done the same on his back! … l know… shakes head…

What can you say though, it’s their bodies.

As a small girl Sue wated a tattoo of a PUG on her stomach. Her mum prevented it as Sue was told when she grows up it will become a SHAI PEI
Look them up to get the joke if you don’t know

Whoa! Wait! What? One of your 4 daughters AND your son?
That’s a lot of kids.

Yes well… l don’t know how it happened… there’s lots of gooseberry bushes in my garden! :lol:

I was too late, getting there, Minx!


Oi tink oive got one on me bum - but oive haven’t seen it for year?