Taking your trousers off

You and yer kilts again! There’s words for that, laddie!

Nuts oh Hazel Nuts…

Just a few things…anybody that posts now has to remove…something…ok with that?


ok I’ll Start off as my rule…
Taken off my face pack…:blush:

And when everything has been removed, then what?

one more thing…my straps

Out come the Pringle tubes.

…oh…for goodness sake man…don’t come on here… FGS and make the future…

Taken off more straps

So are you untethered now? :shock:

That made me laugh! :-p

Dianne…you seem to be wearing a lot of straps…what kind of room are you in?

Strapped for cash…shop:lol:

it is ok as shut now…rasberry blowing …zzzzz

Dianne is in currently in a bondage dungeon - but no-one is supposed to know!

Well, I did wonder, but she seems to having a lovely time of it, so…I won’t breathe a word! :shock:

Trousers are off…:wink:

I can see those sexy knees from here!:smiley:

Your turn Tabby…:-p

The second time to apologize?:slight_smile: