When entering people’s houses, would you feel offended if they asked you to take your trousers off?..
Only if it required the removal of my shoes to manage it.
I’m fascinated Harbal. Does this happen to you often - you said “people’s houses”. Watching with interest. :twisted:
Then you need to visit the shoes thread first, then come back here to deal with trousers.
Not since lockdown.
Is this an English thing cause I don’t think the Scots have this dilemma :confused2:
Donald has nothing to do with this, Minx!
Yes if I am wearing a skirt
Offended? Nah. Curious? Certainly!
If it’s the done thing up north, I’ll play along.
Mainly an English thing, Minx. I believe that people who live close to the Scottish border sometimes keep a pair of trousers by the door just in case a Scotsman turns up in his kilt and doesn’t want to take it off. They can then offer him the trousers.
Then can I refer you to my answer concerning Scotsmen, Meg.
If I could satisfy your curiosity, I would, Todger.
I thought English people who live close to the Scottish border kept a loaded shotgun by the door just in case a Scotsman turns up
It isn’t the done thing, but southerners often fall for it when told it is.
I think I’ll let Pixie deal with that, Dex. I’m not looking for trouble.
I am a woman - I don’t wear trousers.:-D:-D
You couldn’t sort Dex out on comment No. 14, could you, Pixie?
Is that because you’re worried about being asked to take them off, Tabby?
Well I could, but I don’t live close to the scottish borders…