Not really, Ripple. It doesn’t have the same comedic value. A woman taking off her dress before being allowed to enter a building looks nowhere near as ridiculous as a man removing his trousers. In fact, the difference in effect is quite astonishing. :shock:
We all have have to hold on to our memories…in life… and afterlife… has its advantages for males in particular, never thought of that scenario….
I’m without…tis steamy hot weather here…
Without a dress? or trousers? I’m confused :shock:
do tell
Trixie don’t get confused, please, it leads to confusion….
ok cheer leader girls…
Harbal Harbal Harbal…
It’s all to do with Erotic imagery and exotic fantasy; boring stuff like that, you know.
Why are we cheering Harbal, Dianne…are we congratulating him on a fine thread? Or do you…want him to…
Foxy’s last stand Longy…
I suggest everyone just goes along with it, Pixie, just for the sake of harmony on the thread.
Trixie…have you not heard the latest…???
Oooh, no? What’s going on?
Grape Vine…tis ripe…
ready for feet treading…anybody else make Vins?
Need instructions…desperado…juicy and ready…PYO time…
Have corks…whoops one letter wong and in deep shi8e…poo.
If I can leave this world making someone laugh, I’ve done my job May… Any preference with the biscuits?
Hob Nobs?
sob sob sob…atchoo…snot true is it Trixie???[/QUOTE]
I wouldn’t do anything to upset you Dianne, and I would never tread on your grapes!! :shock:
Ginger nuts.
a nice hard and moist biscuit, is that possible even…yes
dip it whist its hard…can be tea or whatever… and then it will become moist…
Again!! Again!! Dunk Me Again!! - (Peter Kay)