Sweets or chocolate

Weren’t they formally known as ‘Opal Fruits’ Annie?

I think they are now Starburst Foxy :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh that’s the first time I’ve come across someone with the same weird chocolate likes/dislikes as me! I can’t bear chocolate biscuits and chocolate cake particularly. If I’m trying to be ‘good’ I’ll make or buy chocolate cake for Mr B, because I know I won’t be tempted, so we’re both happy! The only chocolate flavoured thing I like (apart from actual chocolate) is chocolate spread.

That happened to me the other day. The assistant came over, picked up one of the eggs, said, ‘you just have to enter it manually’. He then hit the ‘enter barcode’ button and typed in the numbers. He didn’t actually roll his eyes, but I got the distinct impression he wanted to :icon_redface:

I don’t eat many sweets but sometimes l just fancy some chocolate.
I was bought a large box of milk Lindt Lindor lately and they are lovely. I make sure l take little bites to appreciate them and not eat one whole, in one go!
The other chocolates, l was bought, were Quality Street ‘Intrigue’ Salted Caramel Truffles.
I didn’t think I would like them as l didn’t like the sound of salt in sweet stuff.
My daughter said to try one as she thought they were lovely, so l tried one and they were lovely!

I worked with a woman once and she used to eat three Mars Bars, one after the other. I couldn’t eat one at once, only about half as they are too sweet.

Oh yes of course Chillie…I wonder why they have to change the names occasionally.
Whatever happened to ‘Spangles’? Have they morphed into something else?
‘Fisherman’s Friend’ now there’s a mouth watering experience, but not for the faint hearted…

Bathsheba, You wuz robbed! The same Easter Eggs you paid a £1 each for, are only 75p each in Morrisons!

Oh I do wish you hadn’t told me that :see_no_evil:

It’s swings and roundabouts! You’ll recoup it in other ways!
You might even have had to use more petrol to get the 75p eggs!

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I’m funny about sweets and chocolate…I haven’t had any as far as I can remember in months.

It’s lattes, that are my favourite sweet, with added syrup, sugar and cream…that’s my fix, I don’t need sweets or choc, after that lot,every day,:open_mouth::joy:

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Heavens, Pauline, you have sugar and syrup? Crikey I’ve got a sweet tooth but I don’t think even I could cope with that amount of sweetness :flushed: :see_no_evil:

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Yet l couldn’t drink a Latte, or any other coffee drink.
It’s a real Jack Spratt world, isn’t it!! :laughing:


Yeah spangles have just vanished. As have Aztec chochie bars. It’s all done to confuse us :grinning:

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Except I couldn’t eat the sprats :grinning:

I drink quite a bit of coffee, but it’s just coffee and nothing else. What people call “Latte”, and various other concoctions of a similar kind, I would call a coffee milk shake. That doesn’t sound very grown up, so I can see why they have had to think up fancy names. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m not that keen on sweeties any more especially the boiled variety. As for choklit - I hate white chocolate but swoon over the dark :heart: variety yet can’t eat it as it sets off my migraines.

I’ve never been a ‘sweets’ type of person and chocolate does little for me to, BUT, a good 1/2pt of whole milk adulterated with a good drinking chocolate (Green & Blacks) nuked until scalded but not boiled, will always be acceptable to me … bellissimo :ok_hand:


Interestingly, my favourite chocolate bars are Lindt Salted Caramel chocolate. A mix of salt and sweet which certainly works… at least in my opinion.

You should try Mocha.

I made my friend laugh today…we went to Costa on the way back from shopping and I said, skinny cappuccino please, I’m watching my weight, then the barista said, chocolate sprinkles? ooooooooooo yes please haha, watching my weight am I?