Sweets or chocolate

I rarely buy lollies any more but if I do they are usually peppermints. I used to like extra strong mints but these days just ordinary mints are fine.

Old favourites Minties and Fantails are now forbidden to me as they pull out my fillings or break teeth.

Generally I content myself with the occasional bar of Fry’s Turkish Delight or a Violet Crumble.

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Turkish Delight gives me toothache tut so can’t eat it.

talking of mints, I bought some good old fashioned polo mints the other day, do you gt them in Oz?

I don’t eat chocolate. I eat a lot of things with sugar, like breakfast bars and cookies (biscuits), but I don’t think I eat any sweets. Sweets sounds like candy. I’m too impatient to eat hard candy.

I’ve got an old tin that I put tobacco in; I have no idea where it came from. On the lid it says, ALTOIDS Curiously Strong Peppermints. And I must admit, I really am curious about how strong those mints actually were.

I’ve eaten those peppermints many years ago (not the ones from your tin, but my tin had the same on it). They were quite strong.

Oh yes … yummy.

Well somebody had them, and it wasn’t me.

But were they strong enough to make you curious? :thinking:

Do you like butterscotch confectionary butterscotch? :crazy_face:

Weirdly yes. I was curious about how they tasted so strong and what made them taste like that. It was not actually a pleasant taste, more like a burning tongue strong taste. Like a really strong mouthwash without the liquid.

lol, no actually not too much. The name sounded good but I haven’t eaten the candy in decades. :042:

I liked it well enough then, but I probably wouldn’t go out of my way to buy it now.

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That does sound weirdly curious. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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haha I was just going to post about my Cadbury’s creme egg weakness. I also love galaxy toffee eggs. You used to get them in Poundland near where I worked. Oh my! Heaven! Probably a good thing that I work from home or I’d be buying them up every day.

I also like cadbury’s caramel nibbles. I can eat a whole bag in one sitting. But other than this my only other thing is fruit menthos. They are great when you need a boost on a long dog walk.

In general I have one sweet treat a day, although it may be the whole bag of course!


I bought a bar of ordinary Cadbury’s Dairy Milk the other week, I always used to like it, but haven’t had any for years. They’ve completely buggered it up; it’s not the same.


a man after midnight? :rofl:

Oh do you remember, years ago, the Cadbury’s Dream Eggs? They were based on the Cadbury’s Dream Bar, which was white chocolate, so the eggs were white chocolate with a fabulous, creamy, gooey white centre. When C&As closed down in our city, a temporary shop, selling all sorts of stuff, opened up in the building for a few months. They sold packs of three Dream Eggs, and I had the misfortune to walk past the flipping shop on the way to the bus stop after work each day. I must have kept that temporary shop afloat with all the packs of Dream Eggs I bought :icon_redface:

ah yes I have heard about that. Thankfully I can no longer eat it as they line the cutters with flour and I’m gluten-hyperallergic, but at least I don’t have to deal with the disappointment.

I recall the name but don’t remember trying those. They sound really yummy. My creme egg obsession is in recent years. You can now buy packs of 10 in sainsbury’s which is a real bonus for addicts. The individual eggs can be treacherous if you self-scan checkout. Just a little bit of warp in the foil and you have to call the assistant who can then see you’re an addict and gives you a knowing look…

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I never met a choccie or sweetie I didn’t like, except for liquorice

I’m deffo all or nothing , if I haven’t got any or the packets not opened, I’m fine but once I get the taste, I’m like a piggy wiggy in a trough :pig::pig_nose: Think the Vicar of Dibley and that chocolate fountain!

I mourned the disappearance of the walnut from walnut whips so deeply that I did a mod job on some without walnut ones for my friends birthday and stuck some walnuts on! Marks and Spencer’s do an excellent walnut whip still ………

I’m a eat the lot and worry about the consequences latter type.
I like Haribo (all types), wine gums, midget gems, liquorice all sorts and pick and mix.
I like dark chocolate my favourite was old Jamaica :grinning:

I suspect that Cadbury uses a different formula here because, though it is something I rarely buy, I love the Dairy Milk and Hazlenut chocolate with its glass and a half of full cream milk. If I buy it I just get the small bars because once I start eating it I can['t stop.

The funny thing is that while I enjoy chocolate I dislike chocolate flavoured things. Chocolate cake, Chocolate milkshakes, chocolate icecream, chocolate biscuits (NOT chocolate coated or Tim Tams) are an anathema to me.

…and don’t get me started on chocolate chip hot cross buns.