Summer Insect bites

Thanks for that, BV. :slightly_smiling_face:
It hasn’t been a bundle of fun the last couple of days, but I do believe they are beginning to calm down now. I just need to be careful I don’t scratch one without thinking, and start if off again.

Boot, thanks for your informative post.

I have taken an antihistamine this morning, and wiped some more Aloe sap over them, and I do believe they are beginning to calm down. The itching woke me several times in the night, but is not so bad today. I just hope I don’t get any more today.

I can never understand how these critters get inside clothing, because it is not just exposed skin that gets bitten. Some of this present lot are on my back, ribs, and thighs.
I have got to call in the pharmacy shortly, so will ask for a new tube of anti histamine cream while I’m there. I bought some of that ‘Jungle Formula’ a few weeks back, so must dig that
out too.

Thanks also to Bruce, and everyone else who has been kind enough to offer their ideas. :hugs:

Hi Mups :slightly_smiling_face: I have a big problem with bites, heaven knows how the little beggars get inside my clothes to their favourite spot of my tummy.
The worst time is when I walk Chloe in the evening , I wear a cotton scarf around my neck to help restrict access.

I carry one one these pens in my pocket at all times…,TopRight,0,0_SH20.jpg
and use it as soon as I feel bite, it stings a bit but seems to stop the bite spreading then I take antihistamine when I get home.

I have tried all the natural preventative sprays like citrus and lavender but they don’t seem effective. Ice is another great pain reliever.

While countryside walking, myself and friends were often attacked by horseflies - most of the bites were nasty and some required hospital attention.

I disliked using most insect repellents but now I’m a fan of Incognito products:

Available from Amazon

About this item

  • :herb: HIGHLY EFFECTIVE - Scientifically tested insect repellent spray thats effective at repelling mosquitoes and biting insects for up to 5 hours
  • :herb: DEET-FREE - incognito’s formula is DEET free - DEET-based synthetic compounds, which can irritate skin and pose a danger to children
  • :herb: PROTECTS AGAINST MAJOR DISEASES- incognito Less Mosquito repellent spray has been proven to protect against mosquitoes that carry dangerous diseases such as zika and malaria
  • :herb: WIDE COVERAGE OF BITING INSECTS - The unique insect repellent spray shields you from mosquitoes, midges, sandflies, horseflies, ticks and many more insects
  • :herb: AWARD WINNING AND FAMOUSLY ETHICAL - incognito’s Insect Repellent Spray is multi-award winning and widely distributed and has been chosen as one of the stand-out nature-friendly mosquito repellent products by the vegan society.

They work for me … :+1:

I know those coils as Moon Tigers and they do keep a room clear of mosquitoes. Otherwise I rate “Jungle Formula” spray. It’s centred on “Deet” - a powerful wings-with-stings repellent.

Thank you very much Meg, Omah, and Todger.
I have now got some Incognito stray, some Jungle Formula, and I shall send for send for one of the ‘pen type dabbers’ you use, Meg. I used to have one a long time ago, but it went way past the expiry date so I chucked it, then forgot to get another one.
With a bit of luck, the blighters won’t dare come near me now!

What I hate most though, is just nodding off to sleep and then hearing that horrible high pitched whining sound as it zooms about studying it’s target! I have to get up immediately and cannot sleep until I’ve got the swine, else I know I will have a load more bites by morning.
They haunt me. . image


I would advise not mixing the products and showering before switching between them.

Incognito is DEET-FREE - skin-friendly and non-greasy (smells funky, though … :sunglasses:) - highly effective

Incognito Anti-Mosquito Natural Insect Repellent Spray | Big Green Smile.

Incognito contains the maximum amount of the best quality organic citronella, along with eucalyptus, camphor, tea tree, melaleca and alternifolia - blended in a special way with alcohol. Our citronella (cymbopogan winterianus) is only available from one tiny island in the whole world and is the most effective you can get because unlike the ordinary type (c. nardus) the mosquito populations are not used to this most elusive of citronellas. All of these premium ingredients combined actually make you ‘invisible’ to most small things that bite™!

Jungle contains DEET - skin irritant for some people and is greasy - highly effective

As a precaution, manufacturers advise that DEET products should not be used under clothing or on damaged skin, and that preparations be washed off after they are no longer needed or between applications. DEET can act as an irritant; in rare cases, it may cause severe epidermal reactions. Other symptoms that can occur are breathing difficulty, burning eyes, or headaches.

Thanks again Omah.
Yes, I’m aware of Deet, and that it can have some nasty side effects on some people.
I would not use different products them simultaneously, I just want to test which product seems most effective for me.

If you smell anything funny in the air tonight folks, don’t worry, it will probably be me. :grin:

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Best thing about Incognito products is that they are not tested on animals.


Which means that they are not tested adequately before being released on an unsuspecting public. No thanks.

Quite … :+1:


You recommended them!

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Mups, As l’ve said before on your previous bite threads! l am like you and suffer the same as you with the bites. I have ended up in hospital with bad reactions to the bites.

Do you remember my toe? Ha! That was one of the worst. You might recognise it when you see it! :laughing:

That happened to me last year. Since I had to sleep, I made a tent of sorts with a sheet taped to the wall, draping over any exposed parts. I think the mosquitos die off after a few days so they eventually stop even if I can’t catch them.

Some great ideas here. This thread was helpful. Thanks for sharing it.

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No, I don’t remember your toe, Art, but that looks revolting, It looks like something is about to hatch out!
Do you know what bit you?

I wonder how we find out what blood group we are? I asked my GP recently, and there is nothing on my records apparently.
According to Mr. Google, these critters prefer Type O.

Someone told me to use Avon skin so soft many years ago when I lived in Spain and it did keep the biters at bay for some reason. Now they have an insect repellent so try it and see if it works


I will look into that too, Octogen.
I never used to much like Avon products, (even though I sold them for a while), but I’m going back many years.
Do they still have Avon ladies nowadays, or can we order online? :thinking:

I think the worst I’ve had was wasp stings. I had to go to hospital when I was a kid. Decades later I still avoid them. I’ve had mosquitos particularly when I was in the Far East and they were very irritating. Up here where we live we don’t have an issue even out in the woods. Maybe it’s my age and maybe the insects don’t care for an old phart like me…:slight_smile:

Hi Mups

Amazon sell it if that helps.

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No l don’t know what bit me. I don’t even ever see them on me.
I was bitten on the knee lately but it must been an inside job!

Yes… l am blood type ‘O’ Rhesus Negative. Weren’t you told when you had your son?
That’s when l found out my blood group. I also noted my children’s blood groups when they were born.