Suicide Election to avoid obliteration of Conservative Party

Nothing to vote for. Why was PM standing in pouring rain, surely someone could have found an umbrella.

I think it came on very suddenly. It did here too.
What really was childish and stupid and ignorant was that waste of space Steve Bray playing the Labour anthem (under Blair) by D Ream. It almost drowned Sunak out. Bray is a public nuisance and can only do what he does because Conservative haters throw money at him.


Given that there is a new Govt website advising us all to stockpile in the event of an ā€œemergencyā€, I reckon the Conservative Party are calling an election because they clearly feel the country is going to fall apart without them and we need them to rescue us!
note to Rishi We donā€™t.


I thought why dont they do the speeches inside ,Avoid the rain and the child like disruption noises in the back ground .


The big question is this;
We may have been through tough times with Covid and global inflation from Covid and Ukraine, but will Sir Flip Flop make things better?

Heā€™s broken every leadership election pledge.

On every issue Labour claims the answer is billions more in spending.
All of us will pay for this and not see any improvement, as evidenced by 50% higher NHS spending in real terms compared t0 2010.

Chucking money at a wall wonā€™t work.

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I think him being pelted by rain was actually quite smart, sorta down in the trenches with us

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Having a stockpile for the next pandemic / war, is basic common sense.

I bought mountains of rice pasta in 2019, still ploughing thru the ruddy stuff.

Labour and tories are as bad as each other - and more and more people are waking up to it just being one big scam, theyā€™re both controlled by the same people:

From the How dumb/easy to manipulate are you? thread :upside_down_face: (Heā€™s American, but same applies here.)


Standard cookie cutter under-grad take.

Totally misleading. Lefties in institutions DO create idiotic toxic outcomes such as insisting women must have no right to THEIR safe spaces on THEIR terms. We saw how GRC bought down Sturgeon.

The right then responds to these real world bonkers outcomes.

These counters are not distractions, many women say thereā€™s nothing more important that their rights to language, dignity, safe spaces and sporting opportunities

more like down the sewer. There was a whole tweetathon on Roland Rat.


thatā€™s true but quite disturbing when the Government starts telling people to do this.

He has never been "in the trenches* with us. Ever.


Silly you! :roll_eyes:

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It is a much more dangerous world.
Food imports could cease overnight for a variety of reasons.

Thats another reason to be much more cautious about building all over fields btw

I even bought anti radiation tablets :man_shrugging:. You never knowā€¦

If it makes you feel more in control, then fineā€¦

what sort of reasons?

And another thingšŸ˜‚

Sir Flip-Flop has being calling for an election for 6 months.

Rishi calls an election.

ā€˜Aahh Tories in panicā€™

Iā€™m confused. I thought flip flop was a reference to our current PM. Ref all the u turns.

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Not at all! If there were more people like him in power (and in this world) the world would have far less problems.

Iā€™ll just repeat what I posted in another thread:

Canā€™t think why anyone would be against safe spaces for EVERYONE, which INCLUDES women!

Not at all. It was her standing up to Westminster that made them, opportunistically, dig up improper spending of party funds, etc. They have always hated her because she has led a very successful Scottish Independence campaign and it really would not surprise me if she had, or had planned to speak out against the genocide in Gaza as well. It seems that is a trigger point for dirt to surface or be created, as mentioned in this thread:

I posted the thread about how dumb/easy people are to manipulate exactly for people who hold such views.

Elderly people dying because they canā€™t heat their homes in the winter should be a priority, or the countless children living in poverty, or those dying from obesity or cancer caused by all the crap in food, or how the profits of supermarkets like Tesco have tripled since the pandemic while people are struggling to properly feed themselves, etc etc etc. I think itā€™s very sad how people obsess with pathetic culture wars when there are very real issues out there that should be taking a priority.

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