Sub post office scandel


This is so horrendous it’s almost unbelievable.
Those poor people totally innocent were hung out to dry their lives ruined by the post office who KNEW the Horizon computer system was flawed .
No one has been held to account for this.
The then CEO multimillionaire Paula Vennels got off scot free and she knew what had happened .
The post office refused to give the files showing the bugs in the Horizon system to the defence lawyers .All this was brought out after years of investigation

Didn’t see the program but am well aware of the scandal, the guy that was commissioning the system reported faults with it to the po, but they did nothing, many lost everything some even took their own lives, it’s time the high ups at the post office were brought to account…

As an ex Auditor, the fixation with the false negatives must mean there are some false positives somewhere, so, someone has got off scot free with a nice pocket.

I worked in a small town post office using the horizon app there were 350 different transactions I had to learn . After I left the post office and been gone a year or so I met with a work colleague who told me that £1000 had gone missing one particular busy day . The manager put it back in from his own pocket thinking somehow it would right itself. I lost contact and never knew if it got better or worse. I’m glad I wasnt there when the money was lost .

Its disgusting how these innocent people were treated but i bet no one pays the price those who suffered will continue to and those who are guilty will still walk away

Get all of that susan_m, but, do you think there must be some beneficiaries somewhere?

It was a fault in the computer programme Spits don’t you get that ?

OMG, of course I do, but why would the system only be faulty in one direction?

Don’t know

Quite so, if someone had a “Positive” outcome, would they publicize it?

What’s always puzzled me about this is what happened to the “lost money”. It can’t just have disappeared in a puff of blue smoke, could it? As you say, someone could have struck it lucky but the post office accountants/auditors would have picked it up surely?

There was no lost money .
It was the computer system saying there was lost money.

Worst of the 700 acused and convicted the 555 who banded together and took it to court and won are worse off because of the compensation offered a huge amount went in legal fees.

No PO officials have been censored in any way , yet they knew what was wrong .
They allowed these hardworking little people lives to be destroyed.

And here we have Paula Vennels an Anglican priest FGS heavingly rich .
She has clearly never heard the one about the whitened sepulchre .

Haven’t seen Panorama in years. I always felt like slitting my wrist after a dose of that on a Monday night.

I’m now at peace.

Because it’s probably like shops. I have been overcharged in various shops countless times but never undercharged. Funny that!

It’s not like that at all .
It’s a computer accounting system that was full of bugs there was no actual money going missing …

Muddy. the unfortunate losers in this winners and losers situation put their own money into the system to balance the books, real money to them.

Yes they did so threatened they felt by the PO .
The PO is owned by the government . So the government were menacing these innocent people some of whom where jailed for a fault in the computer system that they the PO knew about .

Don’t dispute none of that but, this defunct system must have been dealing out credits in some situations which have gone unnoticed.

Must be the same crew who designed the international banking system where scammers can operate accounts unabated.

It’s so involved but what strikes me is that the PO is owned by the government .
It’s board are all fat cat executives they were willing to let innocent people fry .