Strictly Come Dancing - Jeremy Vine is the first one to be named

Of course not. It makes you a nice sensitive person.

…and a nutcase :043:

:lol: I don’t think you can be “a little bit gay” … :lol:

I’ll just settle for being a nutcase I think. Thanx Ruthio, that brought me back down to earth with a bang. :wink:

I think we’re all a mixture…a little bit this and a little bit that.
I’m a little bit serious and a little bit silly :mrgreen:

Anyway I’m off to cry myself to sleep now cos the beautiful and talented Georgia didn’t win.

Well done Jay and Aliona … a great final and a great series overall this year.

It looks like Georgia may be set up for future shows after Craig saying he would definitely sign her up for his shows. Coming from Craig, that is a huge compliment for her.:slight_smile:

I would have liked to see Georgia win based on the nights performance , her show dance was better than Jay’s .
All three finalists were good though and any one of them a worthy winner :slight_smile:

I agree with all you said Meg! If Georgia had won though, I suspect there may have been a tissue shortage over the next couple of weeks.:lol:

I suspect you are right Twink :slight_smile: I would have quite like liked to see Geovani cry :mrgreen: :wink:

Based on the dances last night I thought Kevin and Kellie had it. Still can’t understand how/why Aliona and Jay won ?

Sadly it was one of the worst finals ever.
The show dances were nothing special and there were a lot of charlstons in there…

Im glad Jay won I thought he had the best overal record. But really it wasnt anything to get excited about.

Thought the same Cass, was a bit disappointed for a final
Also sad Georgia didn’t win but, she will do well in the future :slight_smile:
I rated Jay too though

Jay and Aliona won Strictly from the minute they did this dance. The public did not forget it and quite rightly so. Well done to them for not doing it again to point score in the Finals

But the Lindy hop last night was something special I thought.

Absolutely agree with you Solo - credit to them :slight_smile:

Kelly never brought out emotion for me, Helen George should have stayed in, she was fantastic compared to Kelly - but we all have our views don’t we …

Taste in music and dance is always going to differ person to person I was just saying what I liked as others are doing. Jay never did it for me I couldn’t stand how he kept pawing at Aliona.

Course it is :smiley:
Your last line made me giggle - she didn’t seem to mind did she :-p

I agree with you about Kellie, Patsy … for me, she didn’t show the same talent and gracefulness we saw from Georgia.
Jay deserved the title, he has proved throughout the series that he has natural rhythm and talent. :slight_smile: