Strictly Come Dancing - Jeremy Vine is the first one to be named

We’ve definitely got to send your name up to partner him next year Myrtle, I can see you’ll never be able to relax until you do.
I can see you already, all glammed up -

I didn’t expect that result! :shock: I hope it hasn’t been fixed for Anton to win the show, surely they would never do that?

I still say either Jay or Georgia to win.

I’m getting fed up of Kellie’s continual screeching when anyone talks to her about her dancing :lol:

Well the powers that be didn’t take any notice of my begging letters this year, the year before and the year before that, etc … so don’t think I’m in with a chance !!!

Never mind … when I’m all glammed up (:lol:) and out dancing I’ll close my eyes and think of ANTON !!! :blush:

Boo Hoo! You said you were thinking of me.:frowning: You’re so fickle!:lol:

:lol: EZ … I do think of you … but not when I’m dancing ;-):blush:

I am beginning to believe the rumours of fixing.

I cannot believe that Katie and her helicopter arms which were moaned about on Saturday and didnt change for Sunday suddenly made her better than Anitas very technical dance.

Anita has constantly shown herself to be the better of the two. As for Kelly I realise the judges are experts but what are they seeing that Im not?
She is ok but I dont see this star dancer they are going on about.

Agree with ‘every’ word you’ve said
Very strange when Bruno voted for Anton when he said in the previous vote he hated the dance - ridiculous
Anita was by far the better dancer last night

Myrtle, I didn’t suggest nobody over a certain age should cha cha! I simply think Anton looked out of his comfort zone.

They can only fix so much the public vote often spoils their plans on these types of shows.

True - it fell their way last night, they ‘could’ put Anton in the final. They won’t push it though, he won’t win the final …

Hooray Jay won:-).Fantastic final.

I’s so pleased for him, he was crying when they all hugged him, bless his heart. That win has done his confidence the world of good, he looked so lost at the beginning. I have a feeling the two girls thought they had it in the bag.
I liked Georgina as well, but Jay was my favourite.

Well done Jay. On tonight’s showing it might well have been Kellie. What am I going to do on a Saturday evening? Wait till next September I guess.

:mini::mini::mini: :slight_smile:

Yes it was a fantastic final wasn’t it. Sure makes X-Factor look tacky.

I must say I had a little weep tonite.:blush:

Hooray for Jay and Aliona. I thought she’s blown it with the choreography in their show dance, the other two show dances were much better, but the public votes obviously swung it for J & A.

Awwwww EZ … you’re an old softie :lol:

Yes, me too EZ. I was alright till I saw Jay wiping his eyes.

I’m afraid I can easily get caught up in the emotion. Does that make me a little bit gay? :blush::lol::lol: