Strictly Come Dancing - Jeremy Vine is the first one to be named

Absolutely agree with you Solo - credit to them :slight_smile:

Kelly never brought out emotion for me, Helen George should have stayed in, she was fantastic compared to Kelly - but we all have our views don’t we …

Taste in music and dance is always going to differ person to person I was just saying what I liked as others are doing. Jay never did it for me I couldn’t stand how he kept pawing at Aliona.

Course it is :smiley:
Your last line made me giggle - she didn’t seem to mind did she :-p

I agree with you about Kellie, Patsy … for me, she didn’t show the same talent and gracefulness we saw from Georgia.
Jay deserved the title, he has proved throughout the series that he has natural rhythm and talent. :slight_smile:

I suppose one would expect Jay to have natural rhythm being from a boy band. You could even say he had a certain advantage.

Both Kellie and Georgia are actresses,if they went to stage school would they have had some sort of dancing lessons there?Think Jay improved as the weeks went on.Good on him.

Jay also had dancing training for many years, all the actors who go through stage school do too.

I voted for Jay because he had a good record for past performances and I think it’s harder for a male partner as he has to take the lead as well as learn the dances; however, I would not have been terribly disappointed if either of the girls had won. I thought Len rather pointedly summed up as if he were a judge in court, directing us to vote for Kelly.

I found Jay to be a bit of an ungainly lump at times even though he got the technicalities of the dances right .Georgia was light as a feather as was Helen who should never have gone out before Katie Derham.

So right :slight_smile:

Very true I thought jay was over marked at times too, looked like darcy had the hots for him at times.

I thought that all three finalists were good dancers but Jay had that poker face which never showed any happiness. I would have preferred one of the girls to have won.

What on earth will we do now it’s ended?

We’ve got the Christmas Special to look forward to :slight_smile:

It looks very much to me as though the wrong person won this. Oh well, get over it EZ. :-(:lol:

Just lie down in a darkened room EZ :lol:

Overall it was a decent series despite the sporadic fallings out between the judges, all makes for good telly I suppose.

I thought the standard this year was superb once it got down to the nitty gritty. When the final had the three couples left… I actually (for the first time) didnt mind who won. All were brilliant.

That’s true Tuppy, they were all excellent, but I did like Jay a teeny weeny bit more.