Stephen Hawking Is A Fake

Well…the only thing to do is write and ask him.

No - your teeth don’t grow - but - ageing does make your gums recede thus exposing more of your teeth than usual !

Failing that he may have dental work done.

There’s no conspiracy theory here, Realist. But I’m afraid this isn’t one of your wisest posts bud.
You take your obligatory turn in front of the OFF firing squad unfortunately.:071:

^ Oops! Silver Tabby…that wasn’t meant to be in a quote against your post

Gums recede a lot with age, exposing far more of the teeth, plus we have no idea just how much his medical condition has contributed to the receding of facial muscles and gums.

Sorry, ST I have only just seen your post.

Well everyone is entitled to believe what they want, and I for one, don’t think this poor man has an imposter imitating him.

It also does not interest me sufficiently for me to pursue it further.
I have already said what I think, and others have said what they think.
I see no point in arguing, Realist, when you have already made your mind up.

I feel gutted now :frowning:

I’m curious when you see people who have these odd beliefs does it make you less believing that they know what they are talking about in other things like politics etc. I am certainly having a second thought about that myself.

It’s not impossible, it’s dental work!

Or he has a twin brother :wink:

There are hundreds of thousands of loons who believe he is alive who are performing at Blackpool in every other pub.

Ok Realist ignore the content of the you tube clip other than the photos of SH with lo and behold dental work including what appears to be some gold on his lower jaw. It’s either implants or a bridge.

Well you only have to look at trump, and I do wonder sometimes about Boris:confused:

More looney tunes from the chief loony


Well, who knows? but, 56 posts in 24 hours, on a Science and Environment thread in 24 hours, that must be a record.

Poor man as if he hasn’t enough to contend with without this.

I’d really rather not !!:shock:

:smiley: You’re forgiven.