Spring Flowers

Ha ha thanks a bunch!! Some of my daffs are now very tall and buds getting bigger so hope they don’t get killed off with any bad weather. I was told when I moved here by my neighbour that it very rarely snows but we’ve had snow so far every year :mrgreen::mrgreen:

We didnt have much snow in Blackpool with being near the sea, its the salt in the air I think.

ground frozan no nothing here :slight_smile:

Good Grief woman you arent gardening are you!!!

I have cyclamen, crocus, primula, snowdrops, a daffodil and a penstemon:shock: in flower

First little crocus came out this morning a purple one.

I’ve now got lots of snowdrops out and quite a few daffs in bud.

Oh you’re lucky Marian, no buds showing in this area yet :frowning:

Still just the one purple crocus who now has five yellow friends. Also snowdrops around the oak trees.

I’m really surprised Mags given your location! Usually we are behind everybody else being up North :smiley: Some of my daffs are about a foot high and some did wilt a little earlier in the week with the frost.

Maryl your crocuses are doing well :smiley:

Oh its so pretty and heartening when the first bulbs come up and flower, and the days are a tiny bit longer.

Everytime I pop out of the back door I see the crocuses and it delights me! The back garden’s huge but this long side bit gets the most sun and is where I let the grandchildren have their own little garden plots, one of them planted these bulbs along with loads of daffs. Not planted properly mind you, haphazardly which will look pretty soon. Not long to Spring :slight_smile:

Yes I know what you mean, I’m the same with the snowdrops. Last year they were out in the snow! That’s great that your grandchildren planted the crocuses, I’ll bet they love looking at them as well. I’ve got one crocus in the garden which I think may be something to do with the birds.

Hey Annie have you got any spring bulbs in your garden?

I did have a bowl of snowdrops but cant find them now, Joe must have been tidying up !Our garden looks like a gravel pit, we put the small stones down to save the work and we have tubs and Hostas in pots, it sounds awful as so much died last year but its quite nice, we bought a Dutch Arbour and that is handy as it takes up a lot of room a Gothic Arch in the centre and anL shape made from two panels with a Buddha in the middle.Sorry bit long wined!.

Looks like we are going to have a mild Winter after all so all the Spring flowering shoots that are well on the way at present will soon be out in their glory and I can’t wait to see my gardens bursting into colour once again although I must admit that my Polyanthus plants are certainly a riot of colour and a pleasure to look at on these grey mornings. Happy gardening folks!

Glad about your Polyanthus Bob, mine were drowned with all the rain we have had. But at least fingers crossed we havent had any snow.

That sounds lovely Annie, shame you cant find the snowdrops though and also that you lost a lot of plants last year! I’ve got a couple of Hostas in pots which were already here when I moved and I keep meaning to put them in the garden somewhere.

Ooh don’t speak too soon Bob as we can still get bad weather in February and March!! :-D:-D We’ve got snow forcast for tomorrow :-D:-D

Do me a favour marpaul, if you have indeed had snow in your locality, then please keep it! :slight_smile:
Yes indeed, February can be a very unpredictable month but I will keep my fingers crossed anyway, cheers!

Nah didn’t get any snow, its just on the fell tops, we got the rain instead!