Spring Flowers

I was having a wander around the garden earlier and saw that the snowdrops are just about to flower and also I have some daffodils in bud which I thought was a bit early! I think the bluebells are also coming up, meant to go over and have a look but forgot!

I was talking to somebody from Hayling Island last week and she actually has a daffodil in flower.

Just wondered if anybody else has spring bulbs starting to flower :smiley:

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I’ve noticed my crocuses are coming up too, it must be the exceedingly mild winter weather we’ve had.:slight_smile:

Shouldn’t be any sign of them til March over here! I love spring flowers…

My daffodils has some buds on-far too early and my neighbour has quite a few snowdrops open.

At end of local news this evening, they showed a photo someone had sent in showing a group of flowering daffodils in their garden-made me feel like spring is on its way :slight_smile:

There is a tree on a walk near our house that is just breaking from bud into leaf very early as it usually starts breaking in March … I still have roses coming into flower and my Margeret Merril is just breaking bud again also I have Pelargoniums that are still in leaf usually the first sign of frost and they are a black mushy mess very strange this year but I won’t complain if this is as bad as it gets…:slight_smile:

Someone down the lane with a long established garden has lots of spring bulbs up already and primulas in flower.

I have some newly planted Daffodil bubs and they are nowhere to be seen :lol:

We have daffs just starting to peep out but if the frost comes they go back under ground…

I still have one flower and leaves left on my summer fuchsia, usually the plant is bare at this time of the year.

that’s amazing to have a flower left on a fuchia! The flowers will get a shock if the frosts come

Snowdrops and bluebells came up weeks ago, now crocuses and daffs are up too. Not flowering yet, still have roses in bloom from summer.

I too still have Roses in bloom and all the Spring bulbs are well advanced with good strong shoots on display, just hope we don’t get any serious frosts, what a topsy turvy situation.

Its amazing isn’t it! I don’t have any roses still out though. I’ve just had another look in the garden and the bluebells are about 5 inches high, but no sign of them flowering thank goodness.

It will be a shame when the frost comes as I’m sure it will do before too long. :smiley:

I`ve got lots of snowdrops out since Christmas day .Couple of roses out yet as well .

We had a frost last night, not a white out but you could see it on the grass. I have an Azalea with large buds on and am sure it shouldnt have, what I worry about is the plants not having a rest in Winter, they would be worn out if they start coming into bloom so soon.

My climbing hydrangea has new shoots, that are getting longer by the week. I have no daffs showing at all, just muscari. The lawn needs cutting :shock:
My rose too is still flowering but the bad winds blew all the petals off.
A white geranium, a climbing fuschia and some antirrhinums are flowering.
That’s all that I can see from my window but I will have a proper mooch round tomorrow - it’s going to be a weird winter and spring in the garden, if the temperature stays like it is.

Snow drops are popping up in the garden which I would expect but I have a summer flowering Gazenia plant in a planter outdoor that still has flowers on it; now that I don’t expect.
We have been lucky with a mild though windy winter so far but there is a way to go yet and I can remember on a few occasions it being cold with very heavy snow at the end of January.(just thought I would cheer you up):smiley:

I have 5 planters with winter flowering pansies in 2 have died off the others are flowering lovely don’t know what has happened to the 2 that died they are just limp I don’t think it is because of A) over wet B) too dry… very strange…They are all located close to each other too…:!:

Maybe you were visited by neighbours cats!

I Noticed today there are crocus flowering in a neighbours garden and their daffodils are 6inch high , no buds on those though.

Another neighbour has a Kerria Japonica in flower like this one…


…they usually flower in April/May…

Meg, my next door neighbour has about a dozen crocus flowering in his front garden, and I actually measured my daffodils and they are 8 inch high-no buds on yet, but the way things are going don’t think it will be long before they have!