Sponges, Cakes And Everything Sweet

Puis-je en avoir un, s’il vous plaît

Trying to impress you with my google french, Dianne so that you will send me one! :smiley:


Puis-je en avoir un, S’il vous plaît
translated says…
May I have a walker, please
if you add the ?
Puis-je en avoir un? S’il vous plait you get
Can I have one? Please
google is a trouble maker sometimes, I found that out… to the wonderment of our new Bank Manager… :zipper_mouth_face:

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Oh my word…that made me laugh! here’s me trying to be all clever as well!

Just give me a doughnut and I’ll leave the walker at home!

Choux Pastry…For Eclairs
115 grams Plain Flour
75 grams Butter
3 medium Eggs
225 ml Water
pinch of Salt

Place the water and butter on a low/med heat and mix with a wooden spoon, when it boils remove from heat and carefully add the Flour. Just briefly returning the mix to the heat…whisk 3 eggs and gradually add to the mix…can splash so care needed
I shape mine with a spoon and knife… but piped is ok if you don’t mind wasting some of the mix…
Cook middle of oven 180 degrees fan oven, until golden brown and dry…
Cooled and fill with whipped cream…thick custard if you prefer or mock cream then cover with melted chocolate…caramel or coffee icing even…


I’ve enjoyed looking at all these mouth-watering cakes.
Sorry I can’t add any pics but I haven’t baked a cake since 2019!
I used to bake a lot when I had a family at home but there’s nobody left at home to eat cake now.
I also used to bake every Saturday morning when I ran a holiday home, so my guests had a tea tray with fresh scones and a sponge cake on their arrival.

Nowadays, I only bake if I’m expecting visitors - and I haven’t had any visitors since Covid struck.

So I’ll just enjoy the virtual pleasure of all your hard work!

That “toffee apple sponge” using Caramac sounds scrummy - I am tempted to try that next time the family come over.

They look so delicious, Dianne…I’m going to have a go at some point!


I enjoy baking but don’t have any great photos of my baking. Not long ago I made a gluten free carrot cake, some fruit breads and gingerbread cookies I make for family and friends every Christmas. They certainly aren’t my best but the only picture I have


They look wonderful! I adore carrot cake :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hey Bratti it’s how they taste not how they look…tis part of vanity though with females moreso…
I get to clear up quicker if I am going to photo something I have just made…
…you should see the mess I get into with the choc o lait toppings on the eclairs though…


If I could get you to taste anything I baked, you’d eat those words instantly. :partying_face::sweat_smile:

I’m slow…. I get what you’re saying and agree. It’s the taste that counts most. You are right.

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Ohhh! I love carrot cake! Yum!

The decorated cookies looks too good to eat!


My late Dad left me a good recipe for Marmalade Cake…it is very moist like Carrot Cake…just got a few mins then going to assist Husband with cutting up logs…
I wrote this down a long time ago…can you tell. :thinking:

and all in pounds and ounces as well…
would use butter now for all baking not marg but sunflower would be ok
another point I would 100% cook other things in the Oven at the same time…as 1 and half hours is a long time for one cake…


That recipe sounds really good. Carrot cake is good. I like to talk myself into believing its good for me due to the fact that it’s got ‘carrots’ and sometimes apple and pineapple in it while glossing over the yummy cream cheese icing on top along with walnuts. I still think it’s far healthier than most though.

Now I want to make one and I’m going to blame you all for my doing so. :sweat_smile:

Who doesn’t love cake?

It can’t be any worse than my kitchen just before Christmas while making gingerbreads. There’s sprinkles, sparkles, chocolate chips, m & m’s all over the place. It’s usually a 3 day event. Then I’m on a sugar high from dipping into the candies but it’s a tradition I just can’t do without.
You sound like you have fun with it too.


Lovely cakes @Bratti I don’t make many cakes these days only the Christmas one that’s in a tin, with lots of sherry in it, just waiting to be iced on Christmas Eve with royal icing but not anything fancy on it.


That must be a Christmas fruit cake. My mom used to make 3 of these every year and she didn’t even like them. Then there’s the marzipan and icing on top along with some warmed cream sauce with Sherry in it. One could literally get buzzed off it. Then there was the trifle which had more Sherry in it.

That’s a lot of work.

What about minced pies or tarts. We had those too. I can’t recall if they had booze in them :thinking:

Can you get drunk off your cake?

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@Bratti yes it’s Christmas cake and no can’t get drunk with it. Can put sherry into the mince meat for the mince pies but not a lot or it will get too wet for the pastry.

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I could get drunk off my moms. I’m not sure if it’s because I was so small or that there was a lot of Sherry. My mom liked Sherry. I’m surprised the jelly would even set. Actually it didn’t set in the middle which was where most of the booze was.
I do really like specialty baking though. It’s a traditional thing that brings a lot of joy

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I did put this on another thread but because this one’s about baking.
The Christmas cake, it has sunk in the middle but I could turn it upside down.


Very well done Logan. That looks like the traditional dense Christmas fruit cake we are all familiar with.

Will you add marzipan to it once it sets and then icing?

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