Soundtracks of your life

A song that helped herald what turned out to be a very ill-advised period in my life.

But I still like Kevin Ayers

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The song that started a lifelong obsession.

Radar Love - 1973 was a great year for music :slight_smile:

The Who - Can’t explain

Those memories are precious. I think some of the areas of our childhood changes over time - not all for better but the memories last :slight_smile:

Kevin Ayers - that’s great! there are some songs that I intentionally don’t listen too because of the memories associated with the song - not all good:-(

Raffi really sums up my attitude to many things and my eye for the ladies before I settled down … I always did assimilate with her enthusiasm [SIZE=“6”] [/SIZE]

That was going to be my first choice Minx. How weird is that? :shock:

Brilliant! I just posted that on the air guitar thread. :-p

Went on a school trip to Italy in the seventies and this song was everywhere. Every day we would hear this on the coach to the ski slopes.

Another school trip but this time to a camp in St Mary’s Bay, Kent.
This song often woke us from our slumber in our bunk bed each morning. This song always reminds me of my carefree days.

Ready Steady Go never missed it always loved Music.also it blocked out stuff going on at home that would later in my life be a real bad catch up time…let that go as not good reading…I love music today as much as ever an also do listen when I am still…I am not stuck in the 60’s Music at all and enjoy discovering new …

Loved The Who and The Kinks more, but so many around Dave Clark Five…Rolling Stones liked them Live more, The Beatle of course…This just reflects the type of music that was around me in the mid 60’s.
By 1967 was married just 19 years old but Happy at last…

Great minds…

loved the Small Faces

Loved Jeff Beck Group as much also…

Now 1968 and Pregnant…due in November. My Doctor had said to me by the time your 30 your have a football team…Never ever went back to my life long Doctor…
I had twins the next November though…shock and horror…
No more for sure…
The Mob…

Do it again with love - nice tune LD

I love your taste in music DW :slight_smile:

thanks Minx but I do go from one genre to another…Love James Bay and One Republic and Nightwish and loads and loads more. Music makes my mood change as well…can get very emotional with music. how about you Minx?

Music is my life DW. I will start a thread on current songs you enjoy on your playlist because I have songs I enjoy from the 90s, 2000 and 2010s. I feel so old :frowning:

Music has gotten me through some trying times :hug:

That brought back some good memories in my life, particularly with a certain hippie chick who shall remain nameless.